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Nuclear Waste Storage in Utah!. Clive Storage Facility (Energy Solutions)  In 1990 Energy Solutions was permitted to treat and dispose of Class A low.

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1 Nuclear Waste Storage in Utah!

2 Clive Storage Facility (Energy Solutions)  In 1990 Energy Solutions was permitted to treat and dispose of Class A low level radioactive waste (LLRW) and mixed low level radioactive waste (MLLRW)  Uses what is called a secure landfill which consists of 24 inch thick layers. The layers are made of clay, gravel, soil, rock and a polyethylene liner. Voids between barrels are filled with a grout-like material.  When containers arrive they are not opened due to the high radiation, instead they are removed from their shipping casks and placed into cement containers



5 Radioactive Waste Cleanup in Utah!  Energy Solutions is also involved in the cleanup of a uranium mine site in Moab Utah.  Waste slurry from the processing of the uranium was left in an unlined pool adjacent to the Colorado.  Tailings were also left behind as a result of the mining of the uranium and that is what is polluting the Colorado.  Energy Solutions is involved in moving 16 million tons of these tailings 30 miles north of the site for permanent disposal by the DOE.



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