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Lecture No 14 Functional Dependencies & Normalization ( III ) Mar 04 th 2011 Database Systems.

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1 Lecture No 14 Functional Dependencies & Normalization ( III ) Mar 04 th 2011 Database Systems

2 Database Development Requirements Analysis Collect and Analyze the requirements of the users. Conceptual Design Design a conceptual model, e.g., ER model. Logical Design Translate the ER model into the relational model. Normalization. Database Building Build the database and write application programs. Operation, Maintenance, & Tuning Use, maintain, and “tune” the database.

3 Normalization Decides which attributes should be grouped together in a relation Validates and improves the logical design to the point before proceeding to physical design. Based on the concept of Functional dependency.

4 Good Database Design no redundancy of FACT (!) no inconsistency no insertion, deletion or update anomalies no information loss no dependency loss

5 Normalization and Normal Forms Normalization: Decompose a “bad” table into several “good” ones. Move from a lower normal form to a higher (better) one. Normal Forms: First Normal Form (1NF) Second Normal Form (2NF) Third Normal Form (3NF) *Higher Normal Forms (BCNF, 4NF, 5NF) In practice, 3NF is often good enough.

6 First Normal Form (1NF) A table is in 1NF, if every row contains exactly one value for each attribute. In other words, a table is in 1NF if it contains no multi-valued attribute. By definition, any table must be in 1NF.

7 Second Normal Form (2NF) A table is in 2NF, if it is in 1NF and every non-key attribute is irreducibly (fully) dependent on the primary key. 2NF prohibits partial dependencies. If {A, B} is the primary key of a table, A -> C is a partial dependency (i.e., a non-key attribute is dependent on part of the primary key.)

8 Example Insert - cannot insert the fact that a supplier is located in a particular city until supplier supplies at least one part Delete - delete the value P3, and we also lose the information that S3 is located in London Update - S1 appears in the table more than once, and we must change all of them -- Possibility of producing an inconsistent result. StatusCityP#Qty 20LondonP11600 20LondonP22000 S# S1 S2 S3 10 20 Paris London P2 P3 500 3000 Primary Key (Supplier#, Part#)

9 Example  Note: City is a non-key field and only dependent on part of the primary key(i.e. supplier#). So this relation is not in 2NF.

10 By analyzing a given relation, we can identify some dependencies between its attributes. In principle, we want to make attributes independent of each other as far as possible, so that updating one attribute will have no impact on the others. Supplier# Part# Status City Quantity Example

11 2NF Example FIRST {S#, STATUS, CITY, P#, QTY} Primary key: {S#, P#} {S#} -> {CITY}, {CITY} -> {STATUS} Test of 2NF {S#} -> {STATUS, CITY}: partial dependencies. FIRST is in 1NF, but not in 2NF. Decomposition: SECOND {S#, STATUS, CITY} SP {S# (FK: references SECOND), P#, QTY}

12 2NF-Solution to Problems The solution is to replace the relation by two new relations (called One and Two) StatusCity 20London 10Paris Supplier# S1 S2 S320 London One: Primary Key (Supplier#) Part#Quantity P11600 P22000 Supplier# S1 S2 S3 P2 P3 500 3000 Two: Primary Key (Supplier#, Part#)  This revised structure overcomes all the problems sketched earlier, but: Insert - cannot insert the fact that a particular city has a status until a supplier is actually located in that city.Insert - cannot insert the fact that a particular city has a status until a supplier is actually located in that city. Delete - delete the value S2, and we also lose the information that Paris has the status value 10.Delete - delete the value S2, and we also lose the information that Paris has the status value 10. Update - Status value 20 appears in the table more than once.Update - Status value 20 appears in the table more than once.

13 Third Normal Form (3NF) A table is in 3NF if and only if it is in 2NF and every non-key attribute is non-transitively dependent on the primary key. 3NF prohibits transitive dependencies. If A -> B and B -> C, C is transitively dependent on A.

14 3NF Example SECOND {S#, STATUS, CITY} Primary key: {S#} {S#} -> {CITY}, {CITY} -> {STATUS} Test of 3NF: {S#} -> {CITY} -> {STATUS}: transitive dependency SECOND is in 2NF, but not 3NF. Decomposition: CS {CITY, STATUS} SC {S#, CITY (FK: references CS)}

15 Third Normal Form (3NF) A relation is in 3NF if and only if it is 2NF and all non-key fields are mutually independent. StatusCity 20London 10Paris Supplier# S1 S2 S320 London One: Primary Key (Supplier#) Part#Quantity P11600 P22000 Supplier# S1 S2 S3 P2 P3 500 3000 Two: Primary Key (Supplier#, Part#)  Note: Relation Two is in 3NF (with only one non-key field), but relation One is not in 3NF because Status is dependent on City (both are non-key fields)

16 3NF - Converting 2NF into 3NF We can now normalize relation One into two new relations (called three and four), which both are in 3NF. City London Paris Supplier# S1 S2 S3London Three: Primary Key (Supplier#) Status 20 10 City London Paris Four: Primary Key (City)  Higher Normal Forms (e.g. 4NF and 5NF) do exist, but they are mainly of interest in academic societies rather than in the practical applications of database design.

17 Relationships of Normal Forms

18 *Higher Normal Forms Boyce/Codd Normal Form (BCNF) A more restrictive 3NF. Fourth normal forms Concerned with Multi-valued dependencies Fifth normal forms Concerned with Join dependencies. Other normal forms Domain-key normal form “Restriction-union” normal form In practice, 3NF is often good enough.

19 How to Decompose a Table Let R{A, B, C} be a table, where A, B, and C are sets of attributes. If R satisfies the FD A -> B, then We can decompose R on {A, B} and {A, C} Heath’s Theorem Why do we keep A in both tables? Strategy: Move a problematic (partial or transitive) FD into a separate table. Keep common attributes so we can join the tables back.

20 Decomposition Example FIRST {S#, STATUS, CITY, P#, QTY} Primary key: {S#, P#} {S#} -> {CITY}, {CITY} -> {STATUS} Decompose FIRST into: SECOND {S#, STATUS, CITY} SP {S# (FK: references SECOND), P#, QTY} Decompose SECOND into: CS {CITY, STATUS} SC {S#, CITY (FK: references CS)} C. J. Date 6 th Edition Ch.10 page (292  305)

21 Exercise: Rescue a "Bad" design Original Design: SPDB {S#, Sname, City, Status, P#, Pname, Weight, QTY} S# -> Sname, City, Status City -> Status P# -> Pname, Weight S#, P# -> QTY Problems: data redundancies data anomalies

22 Exercise: Check 2NF SPDB is in 1NF. There are partial dependencies: S# -> Sname, City, Status P# -> Pname, Weight So SPDB is not in 2NF. Decomposition: S {S#, Sname, City, Status} P {P#, Pname, Weight} SP {S# (references S), P# (references P), QTY}

23 Exercise: Check 3NF In S {S#, Sname, City, Status}: S# -> City -> Status: transitive dependency. So S is not in 3NF. Decomposition: C {City, Status} S {S#, Sname, City (references C)} Now all the tables, C, S, P, and SP, are in 3NF.

24 Example 2: University Database Table StdSSN  StdCity, StdClass OfferNo  OffTerm, OffYear, CourseNo, CrsDesc CourseNo  CrsDesc StdSSN, OfferNo  EnrGrade

25 Problems Anomalies: - PK: combination of StdSSN and OfferNo - Insert: cannot insert a new student without enrolling in an offering (OfferNo part of PK) - Update: change a course description; change every enrollment of the course - Delete: remove third row; lose information about course C3 Table has obvious redundancies Easier to query: no joins More difficult to change: can work around problems (dummy PK) but tedious to do

26 FD Diagrams and Lists StdSSN  StdCity, StdClass OfferNo  OffTerm, OffYear, CourseNo, CrsDesc CourseNo  CrsDesc StdSSN, OfferNo  EnrGrade

27 Normalization Process of removing unwanted redundancies Apply normal forms Identify FDs Determine whether FDs meet normal form Split the table to meet the normal form if there is a violation

28 1NF No repeating groups: flat rows

29 Combined Definition of 2NF/3NF Key column: candidate key or part of candidate key Analogy to the traditional justice oath Every non key depends on a key, the whole key, and nothing but the key Usually taught as separate definitions

30 2NF Every nonkey column depends on a whole key, not part of a key Violations Part of key  nonkey Violations only for combined keys

31 2NF Example Many violations for the big university database table StdSSN  StdCity, StdClass OfferNo  OffTerm, OffYear, CourseNo, CrsDesc Splitting the table UnivTable1 (StdSSN, StdCity, StdClass) UnivTable2 (OfferNo, OffTerm, OffYear, CourseNo, CrsDesc)

32 3NF Every nonkey column depends only on a key not on non key columns Violations: Nonkey  Nonkey Alterative formulation No transitive FDs A  B, B  C then A  C OfferNo  CourseNo, CourseNo  CrsDesc then OfferNo  CrsDesc

33 3NF Example One violation in UnivTable2 CourseNo  CrsDesc Splitting the table UnivTable2-1 (OfferNo, OffTerm, OffYear, CourseNo) UnivTable2-2 (CourseNo, CrsDesc)

34 Example 2

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