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Environmental Health and Toxicity- Reverse Lesson 1 Presented by Mrs. Perryman.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Health and Toxicity- Reverse Lesson 1 Presented by Mrs. Perryman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Health and Toxicity- Reverse Lesson 1 Presented by Mrs. Perryman

2 Antibiotic and Pesticide Wheel

3 What does this concept mean for you? CBS News Report on Antibiotics

4 Toxic Chemicals Hazardous Means dangerous Toxins Are poisonous

5 We will not discuss these formally but be familiar with: Allergens Antigens Neurotoxins Mutagens Teratogens Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Carcinogens These may appear on the AP exam. I might include them in test questions (as part of the question), so be familiar with their meaning.

6 Movement, distribution and fate of toxins SolubilityWaterMost Prolific Often excreted Oil Uses carriers, stored

7 Bioaccumulation Natural process of an organism selectively absorbing and storing a great variety of molecules Organism could not survive with out this process Biomass

8 Biomagnification A chemical is stored in tissue and is transferred up the food chain Usually your oil/fat soluble toxins


10 Two visuals to help us with this! watch?v=E5P-UoKLxlA How does Pacman explain Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification? How does Pacman explain Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification?

11 Persistence Chemical remains for a very long time Directly related to the structure of the molecule. C-Cl combinations- not found in nature so no microbes have evolved to break them down so they remain in an ecosystem Example: Chloroflurocarbons

12 Chemical Interactions Antagonistic reactions- interfere with the intended effects OR stimulate the break down of a needed molecule. Example: Vitamin A, D and E can reduce the response an organism has to carcinogens Additive- occur together in an exposure

13 Synergistic Effect Interactions in which one substance exacerbates the effect of another Example: London's Killer Fog Killer Fog Part 2,3, 4,5 and 6 available on Youtube. They are interesting we will discuss this in more detail Second Semester.

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