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United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division UNECE and MDG-Monitoring: Database and regional indicators UNECE.

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Presentation on theme: "United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division UNECE and MDG-Monitoring: Database and regional indicators UNECE."— Presentation transcript:

1 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division UNECE and MDG-Monitoring: Database and regional indicators UNECE

2 - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 2 UNECE Regional MDG Database: Principles  UNECE has a mandate to produce a regional MDG database  Focus on Eastern Europe, South-eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia  Added value for member states  No duplication of efforts  No increase in national burden but alleviate

3 - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 3 Regional MDG-database: further considerations  National estimates should be acknowledged  Different alternative/harmonized UN estimates exist  Comparing estimates and sources useful  All data are publicly available but not in one place and not documented  General audience should not be confused with multiple estimates  UNECE provides a neutral platform with a regional focus

4 - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 4 MDG data: Issues  Comparability of data: Several estimates for the same MDG-indicator for the same period exist, sometimes even in one National MDG- report Limited deviation from recommended (exact definition often differs) Alternative indicators exist Disaggregated data exists Updated and corrected figures published   Need for overview with adequate metadata for interpretation

5 - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 5 UNECE regional MDG-database:  Three levels in UNECE regional MDG- database: 1) Official National MDG data 2) Official UN MDG data 3) Data Repository  Other: Additional Regional Indicators Subcategories and Disaggregated data when relevant (e.g. by sex, rural/urban) Additional regional/national MDG-indicators

6 - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 6 1) Official National MDG estimates  Regional overview nationally authorized MDGs estimates  Sources: National MDG-reports National MDG websites Official statistics (NSO yearbooks and publications) Data request by UN-family  Updates: Most recent estimate for certain period only  Relevant disaggregated MDG indicators  Additional regional MDG indicators

7 - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 7 2) Official UN-estimates  Data Sources: Copy or link to Copy or link to additional indicators from other UN agencies (e.g. WHO, WB etc.)  Use: To compare with official national data Additional indicators for analysis Compare: more harmonized data Sometimes estimates when no national data

8 - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 8 3) Data repository:  All national MDG-data produced Historical backup Digital overview in one location (incl time-series)  More alternative indicators and disaggregated data  Extensive Metadata  More selection criteria (e.g. exact definition, broadly similar, referring to same MDG  For national and international experts, not for general public

9 - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 9 Metadata  Reference to document and original source of data  Type of source, reference period (retrospective survey data), sample size, sample population etc.  Exact definition of data and grouping into broader concept group  Method used (e.g. direct/indirect, regression analysis etc.)  Indication of data quality  English and Russian version (subject to funds available)

10 - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 10 Other  Languages: English Russian  Manuals, recommendations etc.  Sources might be added in.pdf format (National MDG-Reports, Manuals etc.)  Links to national MDG websites can be added

11 - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 11 UNECE regional MDG-database: summary of advantages  National producers and users: Regional comparison Overview of national sources/estimates (might explain differences with UN-estimates) with detailed metadata Comparison with official UN-estimates Less data requests  International Organizations: Source of data for estimates Access to additional indicators Detailed Metadata and in English  General public: Regional overview of official national estimates of MDGs  Other (expert) users: Multiple estimates and sources and extensive metadata Additional indicators for analysis

12 - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 12 Additional Indicators Regional Database:  Relevant additional indicators, subcategories or disaggregated indicators  Principles: No extra data requests Relevant for the region General availability Only if wider regional coverage  regional relevance & general agreement to include

13 - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 13 Additional Indicators MDG 4&5: sources/types  Subcategories official UN MDGs  Disaggregated official UN MDGs  Additional from other International Agencies  Regional/National subcategories  Regional/National disaggregated MDGs  Regional/National additional MDGs

14 - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 14 Subcategories MDG 5: UNSTATS  Current contraceptive use among married women 15-49 years old, any method: Modern Method Condom use (contraceptive purposes)  Unmet need for family planning, total: Spacing Limiting

15 - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 15 Additional Indicators MDG 4&5: International Agencies  Goal 4 : Reduce Infant & Child mortality: Prenatal mortality rate, per 1,000 life births (WHO) Breast-feeding rate at 3 and at 6 months (WHO)  Goal 5: Improve Maternal Health Rate of induced abortions (WHO)

16 - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 16 Availability of data (at WHO):

17 - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 17 Additional Indicators and subcategories National MDG-reports MDG 4 (selection):  Neonatal mortality (early neonatal, post-neonatal)  Still birth rate (perinatal mortality rate)  Immunization against diseases other than measles  Under-five mortality associated with thalassemia  Prevalence of respiratory illnesses among the under 5 age Group.  Percentage of newborn children weighting less than 2,500 grams  Proportion of exclusively breast-fed infants under 4 month  Percentage of breastfeeding children under 6 month

18 - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 18 Additional Indicators and Subcategories National MDG-reports MDG 5 (selection):  Abortion rate 15-44/49  Abortion rate adolescents/under 20  Maternal mortality by cause  Number of Gynaecologists and Qualified Midwifery staff per 1,000 women  Adolescent contraceptive prevalence

19 - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 19 Disaggregations (& subgroups) National MDG-reports MDG 4 & 5 (selection):  by sex: IMR/q5  by rural/urban: MDG4&5  by region: IMR/q5  by cause: MDG4.1, 4.2 & 5.2  By ethnic group  Disability status

20 - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 20 For Discussion / Feedback needed:  Usefulness of having both Official national estimate versus official UN estimate  Usefulness of data repository  Metadata required  Data collection mechanism: Specific data collection; data via other UN agencies; or other UN-agencies data via UNECE  Additional indictors to include: see next slide

21 - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 21 Include in Official National Estimates, MDG 4&5: Proposal  Subcategories MDG5 as in  Disaggregates by sex and rural/urban: for MDG-indicators with five countries or more reporting  Additional indicators: Proportion of (exclusively) breast-fed under 6 months Abortion rate women of fertile ages Perinatal mortality rate  Other Proposals?

22 - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 22 Additional Options Repository, MDG 4 & 5:  Subcategory (MDG 5.3): adolescent contraceptive prevalence rate  Subcategory: adolescents abortion rate  Subcategories perinatal mortality: Neonatal mortality & still birth  Any other disaggregate published in National MDG-report of at least 5 countries  Any other indicator published in National MDG- report of at least 5 countries

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