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Sage CRM Developers Course Using the Component Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Sage CRM Developers Course Using the Component Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sage CRM Developers Course Using the Component Manager

2 Looking ahead to the classes DP01: Introduction to the Development Partner Program DP02: Entities and the Data Model (Part 1 of 2) DP03: Entities and the Data Model (Part 2 of 2) DP04: Implementing Screen Based Rules (Part 1 of 2) DP05: Implementing Screen Based Rules (Part 2 of 2) DP06: Screen and User Independent Business Rules DP07: Workflow (Part 1 of 2) DP08: Workflow (Part 2 of 2) DP09: Using the API Objects in ASP Pages (Part 1 of 2) DP10 : Using the API Objects in ASP Pages (Part 2 of 2) DP11: Using the Component Manager DP12: Programming for the Advanced Email Manager DP13: Using the Web Services API DP14: Using the Web Services API (Part 2 of 2) DP15: Coding the Web Self Service COM API (Part 1 of 2) DP16: Coding the Web Self Service COM API (Part 2 of 2) DP17: Using the.NET API (Part 1 of 2) DP18: Using the.NET API (Part 2 of 2)

3 Agenda What is the Component Manager? How the Component Manager Interacts with Meta Data Tables What is Included in the Component Manager Exceptions Editing Component Files The Component Manager as a Coding Environment. Delivering Components

4 Use of Extensibility Features Standard License Extensibility License Developer License Component ManagerImportImport & Export Customisation: New Screen, New List, New Tab, Table Connect, Ext DB, Custom Page Actions, Edit New Blocks  Customisation Standard - New Field, Translations, Selections, Re-order fields  Can Run ASP Application Extensions  ASP pages will only run in Standard Install with correct.js files.  Can Run.NET Application Extensions  Only DPP Members can create.NET App Extensions

5 “DPP” Files Received when DP joins program. sagecrmdpp.js sagecrmnolangdpp.js sagecrmdpp.vbs accpaccrmdpp.js accpaccrmnolangdpp.js accpaccrmdpp.vbs Include the appropriate files in your third-party products/installs. These files are supplied to CRM Development Partners only. They will enable your product to run on the CRM installs that do not have the Enterprise Integration Server (EIS). Products using the standard accpaccrm.js will not run on systems without EIS.

6 ‘Record and Edit’ installer Sage CRM’s “install shield” API Do customizations using front end Automatically generate scripting to re-create customizations Allow for editing of script files Allow for install parameters Component Packages contain New objects (e.g. Menus, Tabs, Screens, Database, Workflow) Customized objects ASP & Other Files

7 Prompting of Component Name and Changed Item

8 Component Manager

9 View Details

10 Apply all Component Changes

11 Preview installation success checks

12 Apply all Changes?: Yes

13 Post Installation Log file: OK, Fail, Overwritten

14 Data Diagram of Meta Data Dependencies

15 Component Manager Generated Code Generated code is commented The order of sections is important. Referential Integrity AddCustom_Tables AddView AddCustom_ScreenObjects AddCustom_Edits AddCustom_Screens AddCustom_Tabs AddCustom_Lists Note: AddCustom_Data and RunSQL statements need to be tested thoroughly if they are inserting or deleting on the above tables because of Referential Integrity.

16 Entity Wizard as Component. Make sure version is correct.

17 Points to Watch Changing Screens, Lists, Tabgroups If something added to a grouped object Component manager scripts out entire group Edit script to remove changes not required. When a component installed, Views are Rebuilt and Metadata is refreshed when views are rebuilt they are dropped and then recreated because views are dropped potentially any structure like lists and screens that use views would return an error if accessed before the view is recreated therefore when installing a component all users should be excluded from the system. There is no uninstall before carrying out an install of a component you should backup a production system. the best recovery is to restore the database before the component was run. If you are already excluding users from the system - this then is an ideal time to take a backup.

18 Dos and Don’t’s Component Dos Start a new component for new customisations –Consider a new component a day. You can merge them afterwards Create customizations in small unit components –(e.g. all the Company related customizations, all the Cases related changes and then all the new Project entity related changes) –but these would not be the final deliverable –The final deliverable 'component' would be made by amalgamating the small units. Give components meaningful names –Easier to manage. –The Description not the file name is shown when loading. Make use of the ecf file parameters to control your components –E.g. 'MultipleInstalls=Y' allows component to be run more than once on the same install. Component Don’ts Don't forget to stop recording when you are finished. –You will have to edit the component Don't forget the component manager includes: –Reports –Saved searches –Workflow Don't forget to comment your component. –Comments in es file –Parameters in the ecf file –More user friendly to run

19 Q&A

20 Looking ahead to the classes DP01: Introduction to the Development Partner Program DP02: Entities and the Data Model (Part 1 of 2) DP03: Entities and the Data Model (Part 2 of 2) DP04: Implementing Screen Based Rules (Part 1 of 2) DP05: Implementing Screen Based Rules (Part 2 of 2) DP06: Screen and User Independent Business Rules DP07: Workflow (Part 1 of 2) DP08: Workflow (Part 2 of 2) DP09: Using the API Objects in ASP Pages (Part 1 of 2) DP10 : Using the API Objects in ASP Pages (Part 2 of 2) DP11: Using the Component Manager DP12: Programming for the Advanced Email Manager DP13: Using the Web Services API DP14: Using the Web Services API (Part 2 of 2) DP15: Coding the Web Self Service COM API (Part 1 of 2) DP16: Coding the Web Self Service COM API (Part 2 of 2) DP17: Using the.NET API (Part 1 of 2) DP18: Using the.NET API (Part 2 of 2)


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