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Misc. Announcements Pre-Test2 (with past test questions!) and Final Milestone are posted! Which teams to go first? 2 options Any volunteers for the first.

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Presentation on theme: "Misc. Announcements Pre-Test2 (with past test questions!) and Final Milestone are posted! Which teams to go first? 2 options Any volunteers for the first."— Presentation transcript:

1 Misc. Announcements Pre-Test2 (with past test questions!) and Final Milestone are posted! Which teams to go first? 2 options Any volunteers for the first meeting day next week? We need at least two! Consolidate project presentations into 1 marathon day (on the 2 nd meeting day) (Work on your project on the 1 st meeting day)

2 Misc. Announcements Project presentations to be held in OU 129 Make sure that you load up everything you need on a machine and be ready to present by simply typing the URL when you’re at the lead station. You’re not to load anything on the lead station! Project presentation orders (alphabetical): TBA

3 If we had another x # of weeks in this class …

4 I’d probably cover the following topics in greater details More Web services SOAP WSDL UDDI Security SQL injection & XSS (Cross Site Scripting) HTTPS Various server-supported authentications, etc. More XML XML Parsing DOM SAX XSLT (extensible stylesheet language transformation) DTD/XML Schema

5 Topics (cont’d) M-Commerce (Mobile-Commerce) Deploying WAR to server More Architectural Issues Scalability Reliability Portal Development etc.

6 SQL Injection Consider the following code segment for LoginServlet: String queryStr = "Select count(*) from IdPassword where Id = ‘ " + userName + " ‘ and Password = ‘ " + password + " ‘ "; rs = stmt.executeQuery(queryStr); // if login info is invalid, rs will have a row and the count will be 0. // Else, login is good.; // get the count if (rs.getInt(1) == 0) outStr += "Your login info is incorrect. Try again."; else outStr += "Welcome back," + userName + ". Please buy something this time :)";

7 SQL Injection Now consider the input: Id: 12345’ OR ‘1’=‘1 Password: abcxyz' OR '1'='1 The hacker gets in!!! Instead of Select count(*) from IdPassword where Id = ‘11111’ and Password = 'helloJava'; You issue the query Select count(*) from IdPassword where Id = ‘12345’ or ‘1’=‘1’ and Password = 'abcxyz' or '1'='1';

8 SQL Injection Another example of SQL Injection:'100' UNION SELECT number from creditcards where type='visa' This effectively makes the SQL statement: SELECT story from news where id='100' UNION SELECT number from creditcards where type='visa'

9 A Tour of the Vulnerabilities Buffer Overflow Cause: An unchecked boundary condition allows an attacker to write data outside the bounds of allocated memory Effect: An attacker may be able to insert new instructions into the program and have the program execute those instructions Sample code: char buf[128]; gets(buf); Ref: sdtimes, 2006

10 Vulnerabilities (cont’d) Cross-Site Scripting Cause: The application writes unvalidated output in an HTTP response Effect: An attacker is able to write data to the victim’s browser. The attacker may exploit a known browser vulnerability, or use JavaScript to run a phishing scam. More advanced attacks against a victim’s intranet are possible. Sample code: String name = request.getParameter(“name”); response.getWriter().println(name);

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