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Bullying is Bad What do you know about bullying? Are you a bully? Click here to Start.

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Presentation on theme: "Bullying is Bad What do you know about bullying? Are you a bully? Click here to Start."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bullying is Bad What do you know about bullying? Are you a bully? Click here to Start

2 Your goal: Complete this PowerPoint to the best of your ability over the next 4 classes. Save it to your h:drive Colors, fonts, clipart are your choice-they must be appropriate for school Use complete sentences and spell-check when you are done. If you need a New slide: click INSERT, NEW SLIDE If you have questions, raise your hand

3 GRADING Be honest when you select answers or type a response. You are not graded for the answers, but rather for your effort. For completing the assignment on time and using good grammar and spelling. This will show me your writing ability and give me information about bullying in our school. Please do not use names of friends in your responses or share information that I should not have.

4 Watch the Video use headphones

5 Question: If your friend asks to cheat from your test, is this bullying? Why or why not, explain your answer below.

6 Why do you think kids bully other kids? Explain

7 Think about times you have seen bullying happen and answer the following. Type in this slide Where does it take place? Who does the bullying? When does it happen?

8 1.You are asked to sit at a table with some really popular kids. They give you a cupcake and dare you to hit your friend with it. What do you do? A.You throw the cupcake at your friend and tell him you’re sorry later.You throw the cupcake at your friend and tell him you’re sorry later. B. You throw the cupcake and laugh. C.You tell the teacher even though your friends may talk about you.You tell the teacher even though your friends may talk about you. Select an answer below and type a reason for picking this answer.

9 3. You see a bully in the window, being hurt by his Dad. What should you do? WHY? Explain your answer A. Sit and laugh, he deserves it. B. Talk to your parents or a teacher. C. Pretend you didn’t see it.

10 You see your friend beating up another kid at recess. A group of kids are surrounding them. What do you do? - A. You join in the fight and beat the kid up with you friend. B. You help the victim and tell your friend to cut it out. C. Since there is a group of kids, you watch.

11 If you were going to make an anti- bullying video, what would it look like?

12 WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF....... You are walking to school and a gang of older bullies demand your money or something else valuable to you. You are quite frightened and then a friend of yours walks past......................

13 WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF....... Someone in your class always makes rude comments about your best friend and says them loud enough for you and others to hear. It really upsets him/her and you are getting so fed up with it. You also know that your friend is starting to be afraid to come to school because of it.................... FINISH THE STORY on the next slide Think about whether this kind of thing has happened to you or somebody you know. What would you say to the person who is making rude comments? How would you help your friend? Why do you think people make rude comments? What would you do if someone made rude comments about you?


15 4.You are asked to go with a bunch of bullies and vandalize the cafeteria. What do you do? A. Go with them and get caught. C. Tell an adult and try to prevent it.. B. Tell them no and walk away.

16 5.A bully threatens you when you see him cheat on a test. What should you do? A. Walk away but be worried the rest of the day. B.Tell your parents or another adult. They can help you.Tell your parents or another adult. They can help you. C.Threaten them right back. It is not like they are really going to do something to you.Threaten them right back. It is not like they are really going to do something to you.

17 You see your neighbor’s garage door is open. Inside you see a brand new bike and your friend dares you to steal it. You walk in and grab the bike but you make a lot of noise getting it out and accidentally dent it. The neighbor runs out and sees you. What do you do? A. Tell him that you’re sorry and fix his bike for him. B. Blame it on your friend and say he made you do it. C.Lie and tell the owner that you were just passing by and someone else did it.Lie and tell the owner that you were just passing by and someone else did it.

18 7.You go online and see that a kid you don’t like is on. You threaten him and you think it’s a joke. The next day at school the kid tells the teacher and she asks if anyone did it. What do you do? A. You pretend that you didn’t hear the teacher B.You tell the truth, even though you may get into trouble.You tell the truth, even though you may get into trouble. C. You lie and say he’s making it up.

19 8.You hear some kids making fun of a student in the class what do you do? A. Go join them. B. Tell them to stop. C. Ignore them.

20 9.You see someone take another child’s pencil case. What do you do? A. Tell the bully to give it back. B. Ignore them. C. Laugh and make fun of the child.

21 10.One of the “popular” kids in the class asks you to do her homework. If you don’t do it, she will tell all the other kids not to hang around with you. What do you do? A. Do her homework for her. B. Don’t do it and then tell an the teacher or an adult so she can’t do it to someone else. Don’t do it and then tell an the teacher or an adult so she can’t do it to someone else. C. Do it but get her a really bad grade.

22 11.You and the rest of your basketball team have slacked off in school and your coach found out and canceled your season and practices. One of the kids suggest in retaliation to trash the gym at night. You… A.Go along with it. After all who’s going to know that YOU did it.Go along with it. After all who’s going to know that YOU did it. B.Say no but regret it when your teammates call you names.Say no but regret it when your teammates call you names. C.Say that you don’t think it’s a good idea and make sure your teammates don’t do it.Say that you don’t think it’s a good idea and make sure your teammates don’t do it.

23 12.You are at cheerleading practice and your coach forgot some equipment and had to run out to her car and get it. She told you not to do any kind of stunts while she’s gone. After she’s gone some of the girls suggest trying one anyway. You haven’t learned it yet, but how hard could it be? You… A.Try it. It will be fun. You will only do one and your coach will never know.Try it. It will be fun. You will only do one and your coach will never know. B. Walk away. C.Say no and suggest that you all take a break and get something to drink instead.Say no and suggest that you all take a break and get something to drink instead.

24 1. If I come across any information that makes me feel scared, uncomfortable, or confused, I will 2. If someone online asks me for a picture of myself, I will 3. If someone I first “met” online asks me to meet him or her in person, I will 4. If someone online asks me for my personal information, I will

25 WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF....... Someone in your class has told a teacher that you have been bullying him/her. You are afraid to talk to your teacher about this, you did not mean to hurt the other student and were just having a laugh. You are on your way to talk to your teacher......... Do you think you have ever been involved in bullying others? Do you think calling other people names or laughing about them is bullying or just having a laugh? What are you going to tell the teacher? How do you feel about the person who complained about you?

26 Think about your answers. Write a paragraph on the next slide about: Your ideas or opinions related to bullying in Broadway Middle School.

27 What I think about BMS Bullying…

28 Click here to take the Practice Quiz make sure you read the correct answers so you will be ready for a real quiz later. Practice Quiz

29 What are some positive aspects of the Internet? It can be used as a research tool or homework resource; it's an easy way to keep in touch with friends and family; you can access legal multimedia (video and music) and news. What are some negative aspects of the Internet? There is no way to know who you're talking to; once you post something online or send an E-mail you can't take it back; anyone can read or see anything you post. What are some ways you can avoid the negative things from happening to you?

30 Done? Please check your work. Spelling and grammar count! Play with clipart, pictures, colors After I approve it, Save to Mrs. Eagen’s I:drive/Library/4 th period folder to get it graded. Play the what happens next gamehappens next game

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