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6.1-6.4 Stations Intro to Trig 6.4Pg532:21-24,33-38, 45-58,69,76,77,79.

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Presentation on theme: "6.1-6.4 Stations Intro to Trig 6.4Pg532:21-24,33-38, 45-58,69,76,77,79."— Presentation transcript:

1 6.1-6.4 Stations Intro to Trig 6.4Pg532:21-24,33-38, 45-58,69,76,77,79

2 Station 1 Today’s Assignment Create a Valentine for Claudia Natalica. You may also make one for a friend. You can take this time, too, to sign up to follow the twitter account for Algebra 5/Trig. (VGAlg5-Trig Dolezal) There is a tweet that may be of benefit to you.

3 Station 2 Today’s Assignment When this is done, Now you can do Pg. 532: #33 - 38 Now you can do Pg. 532: #21 - 24

4 Station 7 Today’s Assignment Now you can do Pg. 532: #45-58

5 Station 4 Correct Homework Using Answer Key

6 Station 5 Using your circle note sheet, complete Pg. 532: 59 – 60.

7 Station 6 Now try Page 532 #69 1. Find the circumference of the tire. C=  d. What’s the units? 2. 5280ft = 1 mile – is this the same units as the circumference? What do you need to do? 3. Now you know how far a wheel goes in one rotation. How many rotations must it make to cover 1 mile? 4. This gives you the number of rotations per mile for that tire. 5. How many radians in a single rotation? How many radians will be in the total number of rotations your tire has to make? Read Example 11 on Page 531. Now try Pg. 533 #79. Read Example 9 on Page 530. Now try Pg. 533 #71. Read Example 10 on Page 530. Now try Pg. 533 #77.

8 Station 3 Examine how to find coterminal angles at Now quiz yourself: Next, complete the quiz ( (for a grade) Code: AXQT9NLJ for Period 1 Code: Y4ILP2TK for Period 5

9 Station 8 Go to Search and watch: “Reciprocal trig functions” – answer the questions. @, watch “Example: Using trig to solve for missing information. Complete the worksheet at this station.

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