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Vietnam: Past and Present O’Connor, Rayner, Tierney.

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Presentation on theme: "Vietnam: Past and Present O’Connor, Rayner, Tierney."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vietnam: Past and Present O’Connor, Rayner, Tierney

2 Vietnam Eventful history Rich Culture Americans don’t think about the country Vietnam “Vietnam.” Map. Operation World. Web. 21 Nov. 2013.

3 DRV (North Vietnamese) and Viet Cong RVN (South Vietnamese) - Backed by the United States Part of Cold War - Against Communism What Was the Vietnam War?

4 Why Did the US Interfere? Stop Communism Domino Theory Trained ARVN Military advisors train guerrillas

5 Key Statistics and Figures United States - 58,119 KIA - 153,303 wounded - 1,948 MIA South Vietnam - 230,000 KIA - 1,169,763 wounded North Vietnam - 1,100,000 KIA - Unknown wounded

6 Other Facts 75,000 were severely disabled - 23,214 were 100% disabled 5,283 lost limbs - 1,081 lost multiple limbs 61% of KIA were younger than 21 - 11,465 were younger than 20 17,539 of KIA were married Average age of KIA: 23.1 Five men KIA were 16 years old

7 Tet Offensive January 1968 DRV and VC Assault on US Marines at Khe Sanh Attacks on cities throughout South Vietnam Heavy casualties Psychological attack on RVN and US

8 Famous Picture from Tet Offensive Adams, Eddie. 1 Feb. 1968. Saigon, Vietnam. Web. 20 Nov. 2013

9 Psychological Effects of the Vietnam War on American Troops PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) 30.9% of male American Vietnam Veterans suffer from lifetime effects of PTSD A 2003 study found 4/5 veterans suffer from PTSD twenty five years after the war.

10 Psychological Effects of the Vietnam War on American Troops Depression, anxiety and alcohol issues Men Alcohol dependence and abuse, Antisocial Personality Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder Women Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Depression Higher wartime exposure = more psychological disorders

11 Psychological Effects of the Vietnam War on American Troops Some disorders developed when soldiers returned back to the United States after the war. American veterans returned to a political hostile America Thus resulting in the acute anxiety and self-estrangement

12 Psychological Effects of the Vietnam War on Vietnamese Contributing factors to psychological disorders amongst Vietnamese Chemical/Herbicide Spraying Exposure Family Breaks Up War Environment

13 Psychological Effects of the Vietnam War on Vietnamese Particular Groups Psychologically impacted Soldiers Prisoners of War Families Single Mothers Evacuees

14 Agent Orange 19,000,000 gallons used in Vietnam War - Most common herbicide used.

15 Agent Orange Spraying Agent Orange. N.d. Photograph. Veterans Today. Veterans Today, 13 June 2010. Web. 19 Mar. 2013.

16 Effects from the usage of Chemicals/herbicides American Troops Cancer Leukemia Hodgkin's lymphoma Children of American Troops Spina Bifida Birth Defects

17 Effects from the usage of Chemicals/herbicides Vietnamese Children Still Borns Diabetes Type Two Various Birth Defects

18 Effects from the usage of Chemicals/herbicides KC Ortiz. “The Effects of Agent Orange in Vietnam.” Online Image. 21 July 2009. Known Gallery. Web. 16 Nov 2013

19 Environmental Impact 25 million acres of forest 20% destroyed “American Grass” “Map of Spray Missions in South Vietnam, 1965-71” Map. Operation Ranch Hand. Web. 19 Nov. 2013

20 Vietnam Today 89 million people 94% Literacy Communism Economic Reform

21 Exports Cashews Clothing Rice

22 Cashew Controversy Human rights violation “labor rehabilitation”

23 Vietnam as a Whole Warmth Culture History ”Travel Tours Company Brochure Design” Web. 21 Nov. 2013. Travel Brochure Example

24 Works Cited Adams, Eddie. 1 Feb. 1968. Saigon, Vietnam. Web. 20 Nov. 2013 “Agent Orange.” Web. 21 Nov. 2013. Ashwill, Mark A; Ngoc Diep Thai. Vietnam Today: a guide to a nation at a crossroads. Yarmouth: Intercultural P, 2005. Print. Bennett, Curt. “Vietnamese Morning.” Web. 20 Nov. 2013. "Birth Defects in Children of Vietnam and Korea Veterans - Public Health." Birth Defects in Children of Vietnam and Korea Veterans - Public Health. Department of Veteran Affairs, 14 Feb. 2012. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. "Facts about Herbicides - Public Health." Facts about Herbicides - Public Health. Department of Veteran Affairs, 28 Feb. 2012. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. Hammond, Susan, dir. N.p., N.d. Web. 6 Nov. 2013. Hickman, Kennedy. “Vietnam 101: A Short Introduction.” Web. 20 Nov. 2013. Hitchens, Christopher. "The Vietnam Syndrome." Vanity Fair. N.p., Aug. 2006. Web. 04 Nov. 2013.

25 Works Cited (Cont.) “Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.” Web. 20 Nov. 2013. KC Ortiz. “The Effects of Agent Orange in Vietnam.” Online Image. 21 July 2009. Known Gallery. Web. 16 Nov 2013. Mahato, Ananda, et al. “Vietnam’s Economy: Poverty and Prospects.” Study Abroad, 1999. Web. 6 Nov. 2013. “Map of Spray Missions in South Vietnam, 1965-71” Map. Operation Ranch Hand. Web. 19 Nov. 2013. Murphy, J. M. "War Stress and Civilian Vietnamese. A Study of Psychological Effects."NCBI. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. Rứa, Tô Huy. "Sustainable value and significance of the Communist Manifesto". Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, 8 March 2007. Web. 6 Nov. 2013. Simon, Julian L. Population Matters: People, Resources, Environment, and Immigration. New Brunswick: Transaction Books, 1990. Print. Spraying Agent Orange. N.d. Photograph. Veterans Today. Veterans Today, 13 June 2010. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. Summers, Harry G. On Strategy: A Critical Anaylsis of the Vietnam War. London. Random House LLC, 1995. Print.

26 Works Cited (Cont.) ”Travel Tours Company Brochure Design” Web. 21 Nov. 2013. Tucker, Spencer. Vietnam. U P of Kentucky, 1999. Print. “Vietnam.” Map. Operation World. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. “Vietnam War: Facts, Stats & Myths.” U.S. Wings. Web. 20 Nov. 2013.

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