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Terms Pueblo Indians Great Plains Indian Potluck Europe in the Middle Ages 100 pts 200 pts 400 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 300 pts 200 pts.

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4 Terms Pueblo Indians Great Plains Indian Potluck Europe in the Middle Ages 100 pts 200 pts 400 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 300 pts 200 pts

5 The study of the unwritten past

6 What is archaeology?

7 The first people to live in North America

8 Who were the Paleo-Americans?

9 The ditches southwest Native Americans used to get water to their crops

10 What is irrigation?

11 Breeding plants and animals to meet human needs

12 What is domestication?

13 The Indian home seen here:

14 What is a longhouse?

15 The Pueblo Indians were from this region

16 What is the Southwest region?

17 The Pueblo homes were multi-story buildings that looked like apartment buildings called this

18 What are pueblos?

19 The daily life of a Pueblo Indian consisted of this

20 What is farming?

21 How the Pueblo Indian traveled from place to place

22 What is walking?

23 Pueblo religious ceremonies were held in these round rooms

24 What were kivas?

25 The Sioux Indians were from this region

26 What is the Great Plains region?

27 The Sioux homes made from wood and animal skins

28 What are teepees?

29 The Great Plains made of grasslands provides homes for millions of these

30 What were buffalo?

31 Both the Mandan and Pawnee grew these “three sisters” (crops)

32 What are beans, corn and squash?

33 Hunters among this tribe sometimes killed huge numbers of buffalo by chasing the animals over steep cliffs

34 Who were the Blackfoot?

35 This “mother culture” invented glyph, number and writing systems

36 Who were the Olmec?

37 These people built many large stone temples and palaces and they studies mathematics and astronomy

38 Who were the Maya?

39 Inuit and Aleut used these on water

40 What are kayaks?

41 Gathering where Northwest Coast Native Americans gave away belongings to show their wealth and earn social standing

42 What were potlatches?

43 Important food source for Native Americans in the Northwest

44 What is Salmon?

45 These North Atlantic sailors raided and traded throughout Europe

46 Who were the Vikings?

47 A system of government in Europe during the Middle Ages where vassals pledged loyalty to a lord in exchange for land

48 What is feudalism?

49 The center of religious and social life in Europe during the Middle Ages

50 What was the Catholic Church?

51 Charter that addressed the land rights of nobels

52 What is the Magna Carta?

53 Monarch whose survey of his realm resulted in the Domesday Book which helped him establish taxes and distribute land fairly

54 Who was William of Normandy?

55 Final Jeopardy

56 The women of this Native American cultural group controlled their material goods

57 Who are the Iroquois?”

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