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By Lewis Jones. Genre  Crime  Mysterious  Horror.

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Presentation on theme: "By Lewis Jones. Genre  Crime  Mysterious  Horror."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Lewis Jones

2 Genre  Crime  Mysterious  Horror

3 Tagline  Always solve the unsolved.

4 Synopsis  The story of 17 year old Ben Harrow that researches his fathers unsolved detective cases.

5 Ben Harrow Character Profile  17 years old  Daring, Mysterious, unpredictable, bossy and determined  Cool, calm and collected unless underestimated  Mild smoker (1 a day)  Christian  Friends with Dom Walker who he met in college  Quiet at school  Bullied at school (Although he thanks god for it)

6 Ben Harrow costumes  1 st costume which is rarely used – casual jumper, jeans, trainers with spiked up hair  2 nd Costume (main) – Black shirt, Black trousers, Black tie, Black formal shoes, Black coat (He believe all detective should wear suits), Beach hair

7 Ben Harrow props  Christian necklace  Cigarette  Phone  Dad’s handgun  Dad’s sniper  Small knife  Paperwork  Notebook  Sticky Notes

8 Richard Harrow  46 years old  Secretive  Tries to impress

9 Richard Harrow costume  1 st Costume – Black suit with white shirt

10 Dom Walker  17 years old  Ben’s right hand man  Ginger  Good speaker  Loud  Kind  Peoples person

11 Dom Walker costumes  1 st Costume (rarely used) – used in mainly college and at home – Black jeans, top, Nike coat, trainers  2 nd Costume – White shirt, black tie, black trousers, black blazer, black formal shoes

12 Locations  A house – starting scene and others  Woods – Involving a chase  Abandoned building – Crime scenes  Streets – Interviewing people

13 Challenges I face  Whether its realistic – I need to try and make it as realistic as possible because a 17 year old solving crimes doesn’t sound realistic. I’ll do this my pushing the character’s personality and show he he is daring and brave.

14 Trailer  Starts off with Ben asking his dad if he has any unsolved cases whilst at the dinner table. He says no. The lightings is quite red as well as quite dark.

15 Trailer  Then it reveals Ben actually finding a case which is unsolved


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