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Development Trend in Higher Education T. Basaruddin Semiloka SAU – Komisi KIPP 4 Maret 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Development Trend in Higher Education T. Basaruddin Semiloka SAU – Komisi KIPP 4 Maret 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development Trend in Higher Education T. Basaruddin Semiloka SAU – Komisi KIPP 4 Maret 2010

2 Knowledge Economy Indicators 1.Economic Incentive and Institutional Regime (EIR) 2.Education and Training 3.Innovation and Technological Adoption 4.Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) Infrastructure Quality of Human Capital is essential 2

3 Knowledge Economy Index 2009 RankEconomyEIRInnovationEducationICT 1 Denmark9.619.499.789.21 2 Sweden9.339.769.299.66 3 Finland9.319.679.778.73 4 Netherlands9.229.459.219.52 5 Norway9.479.069.609.10 48 Malaysia 6.116.824.217.14 63 Thailand5.125.765.585.64 89 Philippines 4.373.804.693.60 103 Indonesia3.663.193.592.72 Indonesia was ranked 98 in 2008 3 Source: WB Report 2009

4 Changing education and training needs Higher skill levels Flexibility to adapt to change Need for continuing education Learning to learn and unlearn continuously

5 Workforce profile by education 1960 1980 2000 80% 3% 17% 49% 42% 9% 18% 55% 26% 1960 1980 2000 84% 14% 2% 87% 9% 4% 78% 14% 8% Basic Secondary Tertiary South Korea Brazil Source: WB report 2007

6 Indonesia 2009 ≥ Sarjana 2,60 SLTA 18,55 < SD 18,42 Diploma 3,60 SD 37,95 SLTP 18,84 Source: Syafrida – MP-DPT

7 Changes in job task-skill demands in the case: USA Source: Autor, Levy, and Murnane (2003) “The Skill Content of Recent Technological Change: An Empirical Exploration,” Quarterly Journal of Economics.

8 Workforce Profile by Types of Work DEVELOPED COUNTRIES Source: Jamil Salmi 2007

9 OECD Average PISA results for selected countries

10 University of the future? postgraduate studies first degree continuing education

11 11 Universities, Competitiveness and the National Innovation System Modern theories on higher education generally describe roles or tasks of universities, that is: maintain and develop an advanced knowledge base; train people for their professional careers; prepare them for a life as active citizens in a democratic society; contribute to their personal growth. National goals are to accelerate growth, reduce poverty, achieve the MDGs, and improve the competitiveness of local industry, thereby creating higher wage, higher-skilled jobs that generate rising standards of living for all In today’s global economy, tertiary education and innovation are indispensable tools for achieving those goals

12 12 Growth and Poverty Reduction are the Objectives; Education, Innovation, and PSD Are Means to Achieve These Objectives Growth and Poverty Reduction Higher Education Private Sector Development Innovation Source: Watkins 2007

13 13 National Technological Learning S&T learning capacity S&T learning opportunities Knowledge generation capacity Capital imports Inward FDI S&T co- operation + Knowledge absorption capacity Education R&D Licensing Diaspora and Expats Internet Export Customers Source: Watkins 2007

14 New pedagogical approaches focus on learning tailored to needs of individuals rather than teaching new and varied modalities for learning: interactive & collaborative learning reliance on advanced education technology in appropriate ways representation of knowledge and concept in multiple ways teacher as guide and facilitator

15 Emerging challenges world-class universities quality and relevance values and ethics flexibility

16 Autonomy Students Teaching Staff Researchers Research Output Technology Transfer Concentration of Talent Abundant Resources Favorable Governance Leadership Team Strategic Vision Culture of Excellence Public Budget Resources Endowment Revenues Tuition Fees Research Grants WCU Supportive Regulatory Framework Graduates Characteristics of a World-Class University Alignment of Key Factors Source: Jamil Salmi 2007

17 Quality and Relevance Pressures from the society and government – Sensitivity to societal demands Programs – The right balance between professional skills, soft competencies Creativity is one of the CSF Measurement of student learning outcomes Effectiveness of learning (from conventional to u-learning)

18 Ethical dimensions humanistic values admission requirements false institutional affiliation conflict of interest in research rules for fund raising environmental responsibility

19 Flexibility good feedback mechanisms ability to react and adapt rapidly

20 Closing remarks

21 PISA rendah, maturity of PSD rendah  so what UI punya faculty of education Bagaimana inovasi di ajarkan? Cara evaluasi? Affirmative policy dari Pemerintah? Tujuan umum pendidikan, – Trait lulusan, yg stay  perlu role model – Budaya organisasi  menjadi penciri lulusan UI; internalized : how?

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