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Behavior Modification I Lecture 10. Changing Our Behavior n Behavior modification: Systematically applying behavior principles to the task of changing.

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Presentation on theme: "Behavior Modification I Lecture 10. Changing Our Behavior n Behavior modification: Systematically applying behavior principles to the task of changing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Behavior Modification I Lecture 10

2 Changing Our Behavior n Behavior modification: Systematically applying behavior principles to the task of changing someone’s target behavior … our own or someone else’s. Janice & John Baldwin n Operant conditioning principles ~

3 Some Applications n Personal l  physical fitness l  motivation n Psychotherapy l panic attacks l phobias n Special education l basic life skills l social skills ~

4 Steps in Behavior Modification n Scientific use of behavior (learning) principles l Goal setting l Behavioral Definitions l Functional Analysis l Objective measurement l Data collection l Evaluation ~

5 Goal Setting n Identify target behavior l the one we wish to change n Excesses l undesirable behaviors n Deficits l lack certain skills n Developing human potential l self-actualization ~

6 Excesses Deficits Human Potential

7 Behavioral Definitions n Careful definition of target behavior l detailed l objective l measurable in numerical units n Example l vague: I want to study more. l effective: On every study day, I want to study 30 minutes longer per day. ~

8 Chains of Behavior n Accomplishment of overall goal l Target behavior defined in smaller operant units l linked together in chain of activities n Can focus on weakest links first l divide it into smaller behavioral units n Basic skills --> integrated whole l avoid coaches’ trap ~

9 Behavioral Definitions: Advantages n Establishes performance level l reward when goal attained l no reward for suboptimal performance n Helps create rules to solve problems l if goals not being met l how to address shortfall n Helps evaluate merit of behavior changes l is it producing the desired effect? l is a different approach needed? ~

10 Functional Analysis n Identify controlling (maintaining) variables l Antecedents l Consequences l Hypotheses on role of behavior l ABC model (S D : B  S R ) n Used to create behavioral interventions l reduce unwanted behaviors l while encouraging desirable one ~

11 Functional Analysis n Antecedents l promote target behavior l inhibit target behavior n Behavior l desired / undesired l other behaviors n Consequences l promote target behavior l inhibit target behavior

12 Functional Analysis: Example n Self-injurious behavior (SIB) l Iwata et al n Antecedent l parents attention directed elsewhere n Behavior l SIB n Consequence l attention directed towards child n Operant phenomena? ~

13 Functional Analysis: Example n or… n Antecedent l direct child to eat stewed tomatoes n Behavior l SIB n Consequence l demand withdrawn n Operant phenomena? ~

14 Objective Measurement n Behavior and controlling stimuli n Objectively record quantifiable l form l timing l frequency n Establish baseline for behavior~

15 Objective Measurement n Example: Reduce smoking n Form l # of packs, cigarettes, or puffs? l practical choice of measurement n Frequency l ratio of count & length of observation n Timing l duration of behavior ~

16 Objective Measurement n Other useful measures l % of task completed l groups: # or % of people completing task l rating scales: qualitative behaviors n Use combination of scales n No predetermined scale for a behavior l  quality of social contacts, not number l or vice versa l depends on individual’s goals ~

17 Data Collection n Collect & record data l graphs l checklists l Notebooks l ABC Diaries, etc. n About ABC l Antecedents, Behavior, Consequences ~

18 ABC Diary for Child’s Tantrums Antecedents (A)Behavior (B)Consequences (C) We turned off TV22 min No TV. We tried to comfort him He demanded a glass of water at bedtime 24 min We finally gave him water After a bedtime story18 minWe left the room Had turned of TV26 minSent him to his room

19 Data Collection: Methods n Direct observation n Indirect observation l results of behavior n Questionnaires / interviews n Goal l how is behavior function of antecedents & consequences ~

20 Evaluation n Evaluate all steps l functional analysis n See convincing behavioral changes? l Inspect records/graphs n Criteria l normalcy l health & personal adjustment l consumer satisfaction n Importance of practical criteria l i.e., 50% decline in arson behavior? ~

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