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Walkthrough Process 2011-2012.  Office of Special Education has an accountability system  RV is identified as a District in need of assistance in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Walkthrough Process 2011-2012.  Office of Special Education has an accountability system  RV is identified as a District in need of assistance in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walkthrough Process 2011-2012

2  Office of Special Education has an accountability system  RV is identified as a District in need of assistance in the category of Dropout for SWDs  QIP: Quality Improvement Process Plan  A document that consists of activities that enable a district to improve in its targeted areas  Created by a team (administrative, teacher, etc)

3 “Unlike a classroom observation which provides a view of a single classroom, a walk through creates a school-wide picture made up of many small snapshots.... It’s a strategy for providing a school, not an individual teacher, with feedback about what it’s doing or not doing....” “Walk throughs are a way of collecting data about the school’s success in achieving its goals…. They provide a way for the principal to determine what additional support teachers need in order to achieve the school’s goals.” Richardson, J. (2001). Seeing through new eyes. Tools for Schools.

4  A process and a set of tools that have a specific focus  A way to provide the school with continual feedback about what’s working and what’s not working  A way to build a professional learning community at a school  A way to improve student achievement  A way to focus on effective instruction  A tool to enhance classroom visits

5  Effective data-gathering strategies  Reflective analysis of Curricula  Reflective thinking strategies  Program Improvement  Student Achievement Classroom walkthroughs are not part of the formal evaluation process

6  Initial Briefing  Actual Walkthrough  Debrief  Goals for debrief  Strengths  Gaps  Aha’s  Why we don’t give specific feedback to visited classrooms?

7  Development Cabinet  Teachers  Focus Areas:  Literacy  Differentiation  Assessment  New Tools

8  Quality Indicators/Look Fors  K-3, 4-8, and 9-12  Literacy, Differentiation, and Assessment  Schedule  RV Continuum of Services

9 A series of guides that has been developed for use by the RSE-TASC network to guide their work in assessment of programs and provisions of professional development, support and technical assistance to districts and schools to improve results for students with disabilities

10 An observable indicator of best practice which leads to enhanced student achievement For Example: Direct Instruction Think Alouds Flexible Grouping Instructional Materials

11  Going in to the classroom  Documenting Evidence  Use the forms to comment  Be sure to address the actual look for

12 “People who share a common direction and sense of community can get where they are going quicker and easier because they are traveling on the thrust of one another.” “Lessons from Geese” was transcribed from a speech given by Angeles Arrien at the 1991 Organizational Development Network and was based on the work of Milton Olson. It circulated to Outward Bound staff throughout the United States

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