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American Indians The Proud People of Many Nations.

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1 American Indians The Proud People of Many Nations

2 Their Land zAmerican Indians are better described as people of the first nations of the Americas. In North America they consist of over 500 nations. Their religious practices vary and are ingrained in their everyday activity. Their whole life is a religious trek.

3 More Background zIndians of North America are found all over this hemisphere. Some believed that they migrated here between 15,000 and 20,000 years ago. Others contend they have always been in this part of the world. They have had varying lifestyles.

4 Lifestyles zThey have had varying lifestyles. Some were basically hunting and gathering communities other built large cities with huge agricultural communities. Some lived in small towns other built large cities and had huge empires and dynasties.

5 Parts of American Indian Life That Which Surrounds Is Family

6 The Spirit World zAmerican Indians believe that the universe is alive with spirits. Spirits take on the form of animals, plants and appear in visions. There are many spirits and there is one supreme being.

7 God or the Great Spirit zSome understand the High God as personal; others view the supreme being more abstractly. The Supreme Being lives in all creation.

8 Animism & Creation Living harmoniously

9 Reverence for life zAmerican Indians revere all that surrounds them. They believe that the Creator lives in all things. They consider the rocks, trees, the earth, animals, sky, wind etc. to be relatives in their family.

10 Hunting zHunting is ritualized and taken with serious intent. When one hunts one is hunting “a cousin” and therefore one respects that which is hunted. zOne asked for “permission” to hunt. zIn some cases hunters would make sacrifices to the hunted. zOne only hunted for what one needed and after the hunt the whole animal was used.

11 Agriculture zAmerican Indian communities revered soil, plants and trees. zThe soil is Mother Earth. zPlanting and harvesting is surrounded with rituals and taboos. zPlants and animals are believed to be spirits and so are treated like persons.

12 Contacts with the Spirit World

13 Areas to be explored zSacrifice zTaboos zCeremonies and Rituals zThe Vision Quest zReligious Leadership

14 Sacrifice zOfferings to god or gods is very important element in American Indian life. zThe type of offering depends on circumstances, intent, purpose, context, the individual etc. zMany kinds of offerings were made: grain, fermented drink, animal, plants and in some rare cases humans.

15 Taboos z“Taboos are all actions, circumstances, persons, objects, etc., which owing to their dangerousness fall outside the normal everyday categories of existence.” zTaboos are best viewed from within the tradition and keep the individual or individuals from offending the spirits and therefore protect them individual from harm.

16 Ceremonies and Rituals zCeremonies and rituals are very important to American Indians. zThey are ways in which Indians communicate with spirits. zThese “involve singing, dancing, fasting, ordeals, bathing, and the observance of certain taboos.” zHowever, context is very important.

17 Vision Quest zIn order to have special insight and to get guidance in life many American Indians embark on a vision quest in which one contacts the spirit world. zOne usually embarks on it sometime during puberty. zOne goes away alone apart from the community for a designated time.

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