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Test Review C HAPTER 8 & 9.  If a person wanted to open up a shoe store in Richmond, what would be the first step?

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Presentation on theme: "Test Review C HAPTER 8 & 9.  If a person wanted to open up a shoe store in Richmond, what would be the first step?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Test Review C HAPTER 8 & 9

2  If a person wanted to open up a shoe store in Richmond, what would be the first step?

3  Acquire funds  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$

4  Sole proprietorships are businesses owned by how many people?

5  One owner

6  What is a disadvantage of a sole proprietorship?

7  Limited funds

8  Partnerships are owned by how many people?

9  Multiple owners/ two or more

10  Which of these is an example of a partnership?  -Nintendo  -Smith Medical Practice  -Willis Brothers Construction  -Olive Garden

11  Willis Brothers Construction

12  What type of partnership is it where partners share responsibility, including debts and loans?

13  General partnership

14  If a partner is not involved in the day to day operations of the business what type of partnership is it?

15  Limited partnership

16  What is an advantage of a partnership?

17  Access to resources

18  What is a disadvantage of a partnership?

19  Unlimited liability

20  Who owns corporations?

21  stockholders

22  Corporations that offer stock for sale that can be bought or sold freely are called what?

23  Public company

24  Corporations that retain rights over who can buy their stock are called what?

25  Private corporations

26  Why did Phillip Morris (tobacco company) purchase Kraft Foods?

27  To gain a new company identity

28  What type of merger is it when companies like Adidas and Reebok merge together?

29  Horizontal merger

30  The fact that Walt Disney has many different business interests make is a ___________ ?

31  conglomerate

32  Burger King is an example of a ____________.

33  franchise

34  Which of the following occupations would earn the least?  -plumber  -construction worker  -housekeeper  -lawyer

35  housekeeper

36  Which of the following is a “professional”?  -sanitation worker  -electrician  -housekeeper  -lawyer

37  lawyer

38  How has the US government affected wages of workers?

39  By establishing a minimum wage

40  Which occupation category would a farmer or fisherman fall under?

41  Primary sector

42  Which occupation category would a insurance salesperson or accountant fall under?

43  Tertiary sector

44  Which occupation category would a factory worker or welder fall under?

45  Secondary sector

46  When a US company moves its factory to a foreign county it is called _____________.

47  outsourcing

48  Labor unions are responsible for what benefits for workers?

49  8 hr work day  Vacations  Sick leave  5 day work week

50  What was the 1 st major labor union in the US?

51  American Federation of Labor

52  When can employers only hire union members?

53  Closed shop

54  When hired workers have to join the union within a given time period after being hired

55  Union shop

56  This law makes it illegal for workers to be forced to join a union.

57  Right-to-work laws

58  This is when employers and workers attempt to negotiate wages and working conditions.

59  Collective bargaining

60  This is when a neutral 3 rd party make a decision when employers and workers cannot reach an agreement.

61  Binding arbitration

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