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Improve the HTML Form Entry Module Google Summer of Code 2011 João Portela Mentors: Darius Jazayeri Daniel Kayiwa.

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Presentation on theme: "Improve the HTML Form Entry Module Google Summer of Code 2011 João Portela Mentors: Darius Jazayeri Daniel Kayiwa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improve the HTML Form Entry Module Google Summer of Code 2011 João Portela Mentors: Darius Jazayeri Daniel Kayiwa

2 João Portela OpenMRS ID: jportela IRC: jportela Skype: jppcportela Email: 4th year Informatics and Computer Engineering Faculty of Engineering Porto University

3 João Portela OpenMRS ID: jportela IRC: jportela Skype: jppcportela Email: 4th year Informatics and Computer Engineering Faculty of Engineering Porto University

4 HTML Form Entry Module Created by Darius Jazayeri Creates forms using HTML code

5 HTML Form Entry Module Advantages (over XForms): Plain HTML is better for slower/older browsers Can make the form look exactly like you want

6 HTML Form Entry Module Disadvantages (over XForms): Doesn't use schema tables Poor WYSIWYG editing

7 HTML Form Entry Module Improvements: Doesn't Use schema tables Poor Offer WYSIWYG editing

8 Use Schema Tables Update the schema tables when saving a form Generate HTML code from the schema tables Form Schema Modules HTML Form Entry

9 Offer WYSIWYG editing Continuation of the work done in the HTML Form Entry Designer module Based on CKEditor ( ) Goal: map the most features offered by HTML Form Entry module allow easy integration of new features

10 Currently developing: Update the schema tables when saving a form Progress: Learn how Form Schemas are saved Compare HTML Form Schema to the Form Schema Start updating the schema tables (code)

11 Proposal Use the field_answer table

12 Resources ule+-+Project+Plan Form+Schema+Mapping

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