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Copyright [Joan Getman and Lisa A. Stephens] [2008] This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright [Joan Getman and Lisa A. Stephens] [2008] This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright [Joan Getman and Lisa A. Stephens] [2008] This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the authors.

2 Strategies for Anticipating and Adapting to Institutional Change EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference Baltimore - January 16, 2008

3 Lisa Stephens Associate Director, Academic Computing The University at Buffalo Joan Getman Sr. Strategist for Learning Technologies Cornell University


5 Change in… …upper management …organizational/institutional priorities …direction …mission …technology …level of support Other?

6 Outcomes New assignment – old job description Re-allocation of staff and reporting lines Start a learning curve New leadership philosophy Time tracking and accountability New partnerships New or lack of title – unclear status

7 Forecasting Change Awareness and Readiness Learn the organization Know the Top 10 lists Track technology trends Be aware of culture and practices It’s your job to know.

8 Ready for Change Understand mission and vision Learn the organization Build a large scale network Track contributions Articulate strengths and abilities Are you knowledgeable and flexible?

9 Responding to Change What are we afraid of losing?

10 “Going Primal” How do we respond when… we sense danger? feel at risk? feel vulnerable?

11 The Personal Dimension Denial Shock Memories Regret Depression Liberation Acceptance Commitment Anger Acknowledgement Adaptation Courtesy of Paul Sherlock, CAUDIT

12 Managing Yourself Adapting to Change Take care of yourself first. Manage your fears and stress. Know/accept what is within your control. Get information/understand rationale. Honestly assess your strengths and value Use your network. Gain perspective. Ask questions/ Make suggestions Know where you are in the change cycle.

13 Positive Change “Crucial Conversations” –Know what you want –Justifiable recommendations Assess personal values/goals –Are you in sync with organizational direction and expectations?

14 Leading in the Fishbowl Listen Provide context and rationale Manage expectations Promote transparency Relay information up and down Avoid false promises Highlight opportunities and potential painter2007

15 Take- Away Strategies Increase emotional intelligence. Learn your organization. Track trends and issues. Build a network. Build trust. Know your strengths. Collect/use data. Focus “crucial” conversations. Communicate appropriately. Acknowledge cycle of change.

16 Crisis

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