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Kolmogorov Complexity and Universal Distribution Presented by Min Zhou Nov. 18, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Kolmogorov Complexity and Universal Distribution Presented by Min Zhou Nov. 18, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kolmogorov Complexity and Universal Distribution Presented by Min Zhou Nov. 18, 2002

2 Content Kolmogorov complexity Universal Distribution Inductive Learning

3 Principle of Indifference (Epicurus) Keep all hypotheses that are consistent with the facts

4 Occam’s Razor Among all hypotheses consistent with the facts, choose the simplest Newton’s rule #1 for doing nature philosophy –We are to admit no more costs of nature things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain the appearances

5 Question What does “simplest” mean? How to define simplicity? Can a thing be simple under one definition and not under another?

6 Bayes’ Rule P(H|D) = P(D|H)*P(H)/P(D) -P(H) is often considered as initial degree of belief in H In essence, Bayes’ rule is a mapping from prior probability P(H) to posterior probability P(H|D) determined by D

7 How to get P(H) By the law of large numbers, we can get P(H|D) if we use many examples Give as much information about that from only a limited of number of data P(H) may be unknown, uncomputable, even may not exist Can we find a single probability distribution to use as prior distribution in each different case, with a proximately the same result as if we had used the real distribution

8 Hume on Induction Induction is impossible because we can only reach conclusion by using known data and methods. So the conclusion is logically already contained in the start configuration

9 Solomonoff’s Theory of Induction Maintain all hypotheses consistent with the data Incoporate “Occam’s Razor”-assign the simplest hypotheses with highest probability Using Bayes’ rule

10 Kolmogorov Complexity k(s) is the length of the shortest program which, on no input, prints out s k(s)<=|s| There is a string s, k(s) >=n k(s) is objective (program language independent) by Invariance Theorem

11 Universal Distribution P(s) = 2 -k(s) We use k(s) to describe the complexity of an object. By Occam’s Razor, the simplest should have the highest probability.

12 Problem:  P(s)>1 For every n, there exists a n-bit string s, k(s) = log n, so P(s) = 2 -log n = 1/n ½+1/3+….>1

13 Levin’s improvement Using prefix-free program –A set of programs, no one of which is a prefix of any other Kraft’s inequality –Let L1, L2,… be a sequence of natural numbers. There is a prefix-code with this sequence as lengths of its binary code words iff  n 2 -ln <=1

14 Multiplicative domination Levin proved that there exists c, c*p(s) >= p’(s) where c depends on p, but not on s If true prior distribution is computable, then use the single fixed universal distribution p is almost as good as the actually true distribution itself

15 Turing’s thesis: Universal turing machine can compute all intuitively computable functions Kolmogorov’s thesis: the Kolmogorov complexity gives the shortest description length among all description lengths that can be effectively approximated according to intuition. Levin’s thesis: The universal distribution give the largest distribution among all the distribution that can be effectively approximated according to intuition

16 Universal Bet Street gambler Bob tossing a coin and offer: –Next is head “1” – give Alice 2$ –Next is tail “0” – pay Bob 1$ Is Bob honest? –Side bet: flip coin 1000 times, record the result as a string s –Alice pay 1$, Bob pay Alice 2 1000-k(s) $

17 Good offer: –  |s|=1000 2 -1000 2 1000-k(s) =  |s|=1000 2 -k(s) <=1 If Bob is honest, Alice increase her money polynomially If Bob cheat, Alice increase her money exponentially

18 Notice The complexity of a string is non- computable

19 Conclusion Kolmogorov complexity – optimal effective descriptions of objects Universal Distribution – optimal effective probability of objects Both are objective and absolute

20 Reference Ming Li, Paul Vitanvi, An Introduction to Kolmogorov complexity and its applications, 2 nd Edtion Spring – Verky 1997

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