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Flexible Thinking in the Theory of Knowledge Lessons for Developing Complex Thinking.

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Presentation on theme: "Flexible Thinking in the Theory of Knowledge Lessons for Developing Complex Thinking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flexible Thinking in the Theory of Knowledge Lessons for Developing Complex Thinking

2 The Checks Lab Making Knowledge in History

3 Handouts All handouts, PPTs, and lesson materials are available now on my website. All handouts, PPTs, and lesson materials are available now on my website. bk2006/ bk2006/ bk2006/ bk2006/

4 Scroll Down

5 Checks Lab Activity adapted from: Activity adapted from: © 1999 ENSI (Evolution & the Nature of Science Institutes) ssons/chec.lab.html © 1999 ENSI (Evolution & the Nature of Science Institutes) ssons/chec.lab.html ssons/chec.lab.html ssons/chec.lab.html

6 Issues for Discussion Inclusion of data Inclusion of data Can we ignore any of the checks?Can we ignore any of the checks?

7 Issues for Discussion Selection of facts Selection of facts Which facts are relevant to determining what happened?Which facts are relevant to determining what happened?


9 Issues for Discussion Selection of facts Selection of facts Which facts are relevant to determining what happened?Which facts are relevant to determining what happened?

10 Issues for Discussion Interpretation of facts Interpretation of facts How does the historian’s knowledge influence interpretation?How does the historian’s knowledge influence interpretation?

11 More Structured Reflection

12 The Best Thing About this Lesson You know exactly as much as I do. So what really happened?????

13 Synthesizing Connections Connecting Knowledge in History to other Areas of Knowledge

14 Compare to Natural Sciences How does the gathering of facts affect what we know in the Natural Sciences? How does the gathering of facts affect what we know in the Natural Sciences? How does the selection of facts affect what we know in the Natural Sciences? How does the selection of facts affect what we know in the Natural Sciences? How does the scientist’s knowledge and experience influence what we know in the Natural Science? How does the scientist’s knowledge and experience influence what we know in the Natural Science?

15 Tracking Comparisons & Contrasts


17 Visual Metaphor Directions: Develop a visual metaphor that demonstrates the relationship between (X number of) Areas of Knowledge or (X number of) Ways of Knowing. Directions: Develop a visual metaphor that demonstrates the relationship between (X number of) Areas of Knowledge or (X number of) Ways of Knowing.

18 Exemplars from the Class of 2009

19 Resources Wineburg, Sam. “Why Study History?: Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts.” Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts, Chapter 1. Temple University Press: Philadelphia, 2001. 1-22. es/1518_reg.html es/1518_reg.html es/1518_reg.html es/1518_reg.html

20 Resources Carr, Edward Hallett. “The Historian and His Facts.” What is History, Chapter 1. Random House: New York, 1961. 3-35. Hallet-Carr/dp/039470391X (This link will take you to the page for the book.) Hallet-Carr/dp/039470391X (This link will take you to the page for the book.) Hallet-Carr/dp/039470391X Hallet-Carr/dp/039470391X http://sumir- by-e-h-carr.html (This link will take you to a compressed file of the whole book.) http://sumir- by-e-h-carr.html (This link will take you to a compressed file of the whole book.) http://sumir- by-e-h-carr.html http://sumir- by-e-h-carr.html

21 Resources All documents used in this presentation, including PowerPoint Presentations, web links, lesson plans, and supplementary articles are available at: All documents used in this presentation, including PowerPoint Presentations, web links, lesson plans, and supplementary articles are available at: 06/ibnapresentation.htm (this is the direct URL; bypasses the home page) 06/ibnapresentation.htm (this is the direct URL; bypasses the home page) 06/ibnapresentation.htm 06/ibnapresentation.htm It is live today. It is live today. ibnapresentation.htm


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