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Emerging American Identity- Transcendentalism and Romanticism mid 1800s.

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1 Emerging American Identity- Transcendentalism and Romanticism mid 1800s

2 Some hallmarks of mid 1800s New England  Ralph Waldo Emerson  Henry David Thoreau  Focus on-  The importance of the individual  Awareness of vastness and beauty in nature *People turned to nature to better understand themselves as well as universal truths*

3 Common sentiments from Emerson…  “To be great is to be misunderstood.”  “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.  “The reward of a thing well done, is to have done it.”  “Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.”  “Good men must not obey the laws too well.” Which quote speaks to you the most? Why?

4 Transcendentalism  Core values:  The fundamental truths of existence lay outside the reach of the senses and can only be grasped through intuition  Human spirit is reflected in the natural world  Nonconformity AdvantagesDisadvantages

5 Task: Pair up Read the excerpt from “Nature” by Ralph Waldo Emerson on page 364 of your literature book Explain how the ideas presented in this passage reflect the beliefs of Transcendentalism

6 Common sentiments from Thoreau  “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately to front only the essential facts of life.” Imagine this is you for two years… what essentials do you bring with you? Predict what this experience might be like…emotionally, physically, spiritually.

7 “Civil Disobedience”  This is a long essay (about 20 pages) where Thoreau advocates for civil disobedience. By this he means, the deliberate and public refusal to obey laws that violate one’s personal principles.  Thoreau expresses the opinion that government is no more than an impediment to productivity and individual achievements.  Thoughts on this? Does this remind you of anything else from American history?

8 Romanticism  Core values  Close connection to nature  Reliance on intuition and emotion as opposed to faith, logic, or reason  Upholds the notion that people are basically good (think of the Puritan view)  Fundamental worth and dignity of the common individual

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