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By: Gina and Laurel. Definition Seasonal affective disorder is a condition of mild to severe depression brought on by winter.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Gina and Laurel. Definition Seasonal affective disorder is a condition of mild to severe depression brought on by winter."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Gina and Laurel

2 Definition Seasonal affective disorder is a condition of mild to severe depression brought on by winter.

3 Symptoms Some symptoms for SAD are excessive sleep, a craving for carbohydrates, fatigue, and weight gain.

4 Treatments Light therapy is exposing the patient to bright artificial light to compensate for the gloominess of winter. The also use antidepressants for some people.

5 Interesting facts A café in Helsinki, Finland, provides special lamps that simulate artificial daylight to keep customers from falling victim to SAD during the long winter days. Even in warmer climates, a series of overcast days may lead people to feel down or depressed.

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