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CAP4730: Computational Structures in Computer Graphics Course Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "CAP4730: Computational Structures in Computer Graphics Course Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAP4730: Computational Structures in Computer Graphics Course Introduction

2 Today’s Outline Syllabus Class Topics Motivation Assignment #0 Assignment #1

3 Welcome! My name is Benjamin Lok. –Pronounced like “lock” as in lock the door. –Not Loke as in Tone Lōc. A bit about myself –Background –Interests

4 Teaching Assistant John Quarles –TA hours

5 Prerequisites Vectors Matricies

6 Programming Prerequisites Proficient in C/C++ or Java Object Orientation Programming –Classes –Methods

7 Adobe Photoshop Web Design Graphics Design Video Games Flight Simulators Scientific Visualization Data Visualization Applications Virtual Reality Research Real-Time Animation Movie Special Effects Non Real-Time 3D Graphics Computer Graphics What am I going to learn?

8 Why computer graphics? Money Jobs Why is it hard?

9 Motivation We want to understand how to do:

10 Motivation Are there no other noble computer graphics pursuits?

11 Motivation

12 Why should I take this course? An excuse to build that program/game/project you always wanted A Computer Science course that involves a variety of skills (other than coding!) –Art –Psychology –Sound –Creativity To play with fun toys To show off your projects!

13 Course Run-icity Ask questions!!! Cheating will not be tolerated. You cheat == no longer in class. If I make a mistake, PLEASE POINT IT OUT!!! Very APPLIED (lots of projects). You will work hard. We can explore things that interest you Do not sweat the small stuff My focus is for you to understand the concepts

14 Syllabus Go over syllabus Workload

15 Assignment #0 Practice compiling Turn in procedure Worth 0 points On web

16 Assignment 1 Due Friday, January 27 th, 3 PM

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