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Elementary School.  staff  teacher  teacher assistant  ESOL teacher  secretary  nurse  counselor  volunteer  principal  Assistant Principal.

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Presentation on theme: "Elementary School.  staff  teacher  teacher assistant  ESOL teacher  secretary  nurse  counselor  volunteer  principal  Assistant Principal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elementary School

2  staff  teacher  teacher assistant  ESOL teacher  secretary  nurse  counselor  volunteer  principal  Assistant Principal (AP)  ENCORE (art, P.E., etc.)  librarian  ITRT  social worker  psychologist  security

3  principal: name  Assistant Principal (AP): name

4  secretary: name  bookkeeper: name  school nurse: name  security: name

5  counselors: ◦ name  school psychologist: name  school social worker: name

6  librarian: name  library assistant: name Computer Support  ITRT: name  TSSPECC: name

7  A volunteer is a parent, an adult, or older student who helps out in a school.  Volunteer times can vary. (Volunteers may come only once a month, a few times a year, or for one or more hours a day.)  Volunteers can help in the classroom, library, copy room, art room, clubs before and after school, or at special events (Field Day, Jump Rope for Heart, class field trips, etc.)

8  Read and discuss “From Home to School” book - “A Classroom Volunteer” Lesson 6 ◦ Book Level “Literacy” (Green) pp. 24-25; complete pp. 25-27 ◦ Book Level 1 (Blue) pp. 34-35; complete pp. 35-37

9  Matching game ◦ Match the job description with job title and the staff picture to help identify and recognize school staff.

10  Look at a résumé.  Your PEP teacher(s) will tell you about the parts of a résumé.  Watch “How to Write a Resume.”How to Write a Resume  Begin to make your own résumé using a template at

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