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How do we do things around here? Using the Cultural Web to embed VFM Tim Taylor, Skills & Projects.

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Presentation on theme: "How do we do things around here? Using the Cultural Web to embed VFM Tim Taylor, Skills & Projects."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we do things around here? Using the Cultural Web to embed VFM Tim Taylor, Skills & Projects

2 Cultural Change Driven by a felt need to do things better Primarily about people and alignment of personal behaviours, attitudes and values with organisational values / culture Also about the outcomes of effective problem and solution definition Tim Taylor, Skills & Projects

3 Key success factors The top team champions and role models for the desired change Not necessarily a top-down approach to change About effective behaviours of everyone responsible for leading, managing and implementing change Tim Taylor, Skills & Projects

4 The Cultural Web Central paradigm (the way we do things around here) Six indicative / defining features Inward design – existing culture Outward design – desired culture Tim Taylor, Skills & Projects

5 Six defining features of organisational culture 1.Power 2.Structure 3.Controls 4.Routines 5.Symbols 6.Stories Tim Taylor, Skills & Projects

6 Cultural Walls Wall 1: Existing VFM Culture Wall 2: Desired VFM Culture Tim Taylor, Skills & Projects

7 Cultural Walls: Power, structures, controls, routines, symbols & stories Wall 1: How would you describe your existing culture by reference to the six defining features and do these features support or hinder VFM? Wall 2: How would you like to be able to describe your organisation and how does your culture support VFM? Tim Taylor, Skills & Projects

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