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What is a synthesis reaction?

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Presentation on theme: "What is a synthesis reaction?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a synthesis reaction?
Lesson 32 What is a synthesis reaction?

2 Chemical reactions are happening around you all the time.
A match burns. A car rusts.

3 Food spoils. Leaves decay.

4 Probably the most important chemical reactions take place in your body
Probably the most important chemical reactions take place in your body. They are happening this very moment! Food is digesting. This is a chemical process.

5 So is respiration. In every one of your trillions of cells, chemical reactions are taking place all the time. Your life depends on chemical reactions.

6 There are several kinds of chemical reactions
There are several kinds of chemical reactions. One kind is the synthesis reaction. Synthesis means putting together. A synthesis reaction combines substances, usually elements, to form a compound.

7 When the compound forms, we say it has been synthesized.
This is a model of a synthesis reaction: A + B C Element + element = compound

8 Rusting is a synthesis reaction.
When iron rusts, it combines with oxygen. 4Fe + 3O Fe2O3 Iron + Oxygen = Iron Oxide (rust) Element + Element = compound

9 The burning of carbon: Charcoal is made of the element carbon (C) When carbon burns, it combines with oxygen. This produces the gas, carbon dioxide.

10 Element + element = compound
C + O CO2 carbon + oxygen = carbon dioxide Element + element = compound

11 A synthesis reaction is like any other kind of chemical reaction.
No matter is created. No matter is destroyed. The atoms just change their arrangement.


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