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By: Krystal Parker Jessica Cash Jessie Miller. Chemical reaction: the make or break of bonds between atoms Although the number of atoms stay the same,

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Presentation on theme: "By: Krystal Parker Jessica Cash Jessie Miller. Chemical reaction: the make or break of bonds between atoms Although the number of atoms stay the same,"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Krystal Parker Jessica Cash Jessie Miller

2 Chemical reaction: the make or break of bonds between atoms Although the number of atoms stay the same, the order changes

3 Synthesis: when two or more molecules combine to make one larger molecule A + B → AB Energy is needed to make a synthesis reaction so it named an energy-absorbing reaction Exp.) when you get cut your skin cells synthesize to help you heal

4 Decomposition: when a molecule is broken down into smaller molecules AB → A + B Bonds are always broken, when they are broken energy is released Exp.) digestion of food

5 Exchange: involves both synthesis and decomposition AB + C → AC + B or AB + CD → AD + CB During this reaction a switch is made Different molecules are made Exp.) the body uses this type of reaction to energize reactions that involve ATP

6 Marieb, Elaine. “Patterns of Chemical Reactions” Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology. Editor: Serina Beauparlant. Eighth edition. San Francisco. Pearson. 2006. Pages (37-39)

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