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The challenge of conserving marine mammals High value species that are ecologically challenged.

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Presentation on theme: "The challenge of conserving marine mammals High value species that are ecologically challenged."— Presentation transcript:

1 The challenge of conserving marine mammals High value species that are ecologically challenged

2 Marine Mammals taxonomically diverse - similar policy implications Sirenia: 4 species Cetacea: 83 species Sirenia: 4 species Carnivora: 36 species

3 Ecologically challenged !! Ecologically challenged!!! Typical life history Lifespan < 70 yr Age first breeding 6-17 yr Gestation period 13-15 mth Calving interval > 2.5 yr Lactation ~ 1.5 yr Adult survivorship >95% Max rate of increase < 5% Sustainable harvest ~2% Dugong

4 Threatened 126 species 88 on IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 3 extinct 3 critically endangered 12 endangered 18 vulnerable 40 data deficient

5 In the past the major pressures involved consumptive use for food, oil or skins

6 Now pressures are associated with the growth of the human population in the coastal zone: 50% of people live within 60km of the coast -? 75% by 2020

7 Pressures on marine mammals associated with the increase in the human population in the coastal zone Collisions with boats Land-based pollution D Collisions with boats Benign disturbance?

8 In the past By catch in gill nets Fiseries impacts Fisheries impacts Discarded gear Trawling

9 Generic solutions: Establish marine protected areas with community involvement an d support Breeding, juvenile, feeding or resting areas Movement corridors Rare or unique habitats Best done as part of comprehensive system of marine protected areas Marine mammals significant, flagship species Protected Areas to prevent dugongs from drowning in gill nets within Great Barrier Reef Marine Park

10 Regional Agreements facilitate marine mammal conservation Convention on Migratory Species Agreement on small Cetaceans on the Baltic and North Seas (ASCOBANS) Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black and Mediterranean Seas (ACCOBAMS) Similar agreements needed for other areas such as Southeast Asia, Indian Ocean, Arabian region and East Africa

11 Most problems confronting marine mammals are similar to (but often more acute than) problems of many other marine species Flagship species play an important role in generic solutions to marine conservation problems Community involvement is essential High profile indicators of marine environmental problems

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