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Summer 2008 Session Two. Internship Description This program will provide an overview of the services provided by the NYS Department of Labor to support.

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Presentation on theme: "Summer 2008 Session Two. Internship Description This program will provide an overview of the services provided by the NYS Department of Labor to support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summer 2008 Session Two

2 Internship Description This program will provide an overview of the services provided by the NYS Department of Labor to support and assist youth in making career decisions, finding education & training and locating employment.

3 Internship Objectives By the end of this session, participants will be able to: Identify how labor market information can be used to support career decisions of youth. Access and use the CareerZone/JobZone systems with youth and adults.

4 Internship Objectives…2 By the end of this session, participants will be able to: Prepare lesson plans/activities that integrate labor market information and career exploration into classroom activities. Develop a presentation to share information learned with school and community members.

5 What’s on the Agenda? Opportunity to meet local and state representatives with program expertise in youth issues. Learn new ways to integrate labor market/career information into existing programs. Connect with state and national standards. Provide feedback on products and services.

6 Let’s Get Acquainted What hats do you wear in your life?

7 Program Expectations Active participation Share ideas and thoughts Provide feedback via daily journaling posted to the internship wiki found at:

8 Using the Wiki Begin at You will all be provided with a page on this wiki to post your journal. You have been invited to add to this wiki as a writer and co-collaborator for Session One.

9 Editing the Page Click Log in to access the wiki & edit the page Each participant will have a personal page to give feedback on the program.

10 Updating the Page Use the toolbar to edit the page as you would a Word document. Click Save when you’re done so that your changes won’t be lost.

11 For more information: Vicki Gray NYSDOL Career Resource Office 518.402.0440

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