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Unit 3 Review Game By: The Great One. This land purchase completed the modern day borders of the United States? A.) Louisiana Purchase B.) Treaty of Paris.

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1 Unit 3 Review Game By: The Great One

2 This land purchase completed the modern day borders of the United States? A.) Louisiana Purchase B.) Treaty of Paris C.) Gadsden Purchase D.) Spanish Cession

3 Led a slave rebellion against white slave owners in Virginia... A.) Nat Turner B.) William Lloyd Garrison C.) Sojourner Truth D.) Horace Mann

4 All of the following are effects of Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin EXCEPT… A.) Increased the need for slave labor B.) Made Eli Whitney a wealthy man C.) Made slavery a Southern economic necessity D.) Made cotton the main agricultural crop of the South

5 The Nullification Crisis refers to South Carolina's threat to secede (break away from) the United States because of... A.) Prohibition B.) Abolition of slavery C.) The Trail of Tears D.) The Tariff of 1828

6 Manifest Destiny was based on all the following EXCEPT… A.) Expansion was a divine mission from God B.) Americans were culturally superior C.) Americans had a duty to spread liberty D.) Expansion would create a political balance between North and South

7 The term suffrage refer to…? A.) The suffering of abuse B.) Vote C.) Own slaves D.) Own property

8 The main advocate for the Prison Reform Movement was: A.) Horace Mann B.) Angelina Grimke C.) Nat Turner D.) Dorothea Dix

9 The social movement to reform the problems associated with alcohol was known as... A.) Temperance B.) Suffrage C.) Abolition D.) Penitentiary

10 Andrew Jackson renamed the patronage to the... A.) The winner takes all system B.) Nepotism System C.) Centralized System D.) Spoils System

11 According to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the US… A.) Received $15 million from Mexico B.) Gained the California and New Mexico territories C.) Forfeited all claims to land above the 54’ 40’ line D.) Prohibited slavery in Texas

12 The power of veto belongs to which branch of government? A.) Executive B.) Legislative C.) Judicial D.) Senate

13 All of the following were causes of the Mexican/American War EXCEPT: A.) Control of Santa Fe trail B.) Manifest Destiny C.) Southern desire to add slave states D.) Mexico's refusal to sell CA

14 Which invention from the early 1800’s helped reduce travel time dramatically? A.) Cotton Gin B.) Morse code C.) Carriage (Cart pulled by horse) D.) Steam engine

15 What official was Andrew Jackson often compared to? A.) Dictator B.) Monarch C.) Junta D.) Chancellor

16 Which one of the following rules did Americans NOT have to follow when immigrating to Mexico? A.) Converting to Roman Catholicism B.) Becoming a Mexican citizen C.) Adopting the Mexican Constitution D.) Enlist in the Mexican Army

17 The Missouri Compromise resulted in what in terms of slavery? A.) South of Missouri= Slaves allowed B.) North of Missouri= Slaves allowed

18 Where did the 1st women’s rights convention take place? A.) Stone Mountain B.) Niagara Falls C.) Lake Erie D.) Seneca Falls

19 All of the following were problems of early education except… A.) Only had women teachers B.) No funding from taxes C.) No set curriculum D.) Attendance was not required

20 Andrew Jackson forced Native Americans to walk from Georgia to Oklahoma; this trip is often referred to as… A.) Indian Removal Act B.) Trail of Broken Hearts C.) The Great Migration D.) Trail of Tears

21 Which one of the following was NOT a proposed solution to slavery reform… A.) Abolition B.) Nat Turner’s rebellion C.) Missouri Compromise D.) Temperance

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