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Stage XV alius, alia, aliud CLC XV other; another.

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2 Stage XV

3 alius, alia, aliud CLC XV other; another

4 aqua CLC XV water aquam(f.)

5 claudere close; shut; block claudōclausī

6 commodus/a/um CLC XV convenient

7 dēbēre ought; owe dēbeōdēbuī

8 effigiēs CLC XV image; statue effigiem(f.)

9 equus CLC XV horse equum(m.)

10 etiam even; also

11 frāctus/a/um CLC XV broken

12 impedīre delay; hinder impediōimpedīvī

13 lectus CLC XV couch; bed lectum(m.)

14 lentē CLC XV slowly

15 mare sea mare(n.)

16 miser/misera/miserum miserable; wretched

17 nauta CLC XV sailor nautam(m.)

18 plaustrum wagon; cart plaustrum(n.)

19 praeesse CLC XV be in charge of praesumpraefuī

20 prīnceps CLC XV chief; chieftain prīncipem(m.)

21 quī/quae/quod CLC XV who; which

22 redīre CLC XV return; go back redeōrediī

23 sacerdōs CLC XV priest sacerdōtem(m.)

24 saxum rock saxum(n.)

25 tenēre hold teneōtenuī

26 unda wave undam(f.)

27 vincere win vincōvīcī

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