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Published byPauline Francis Modified over 9 years ago
QUARTERLY REPORT 4 th Quarter 2012/13 January –March 2013 BRANCH : Women’s Empowerment & Gender Equality Advocacy and Gender Mainstreaming 11/8/2015 1
PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES 2 To facilitate and coordinate women’s empowerment and gender equality through mainstreaming in all government’s policies, programmes and governance processes as well as advocating, lobbying and awareness raising 11/8/2015
3 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/outp ut 2012/13 Quarter 4 TargetResponsibl e Manager Progress (Achieve d, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved ) Reason for Variance s (partially or not achieved ) Propo sed Correc tive Action s To facilitate and coordinate women’s empowerment and gender equality through mainstreaming in all government’s policies programmes and governance processes as well as advocating lobbying and awareness raising Number of departments and provinces work shopped and supported on implementatio n of National Policy on WEGE 8 Departments and 2 Provinces work-shopped and supported on Policy CD Advocacy & Mainstream ing Achieved NoneN/A Draft National Gender Mainstreaming Strategy 15 National Depts. work- shopped on Gender Mainstreaming Strategy CD Advocacy & Mainstream ing Achieved NoneN/A 11/8/2015
4 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/out put 2012/13 Quarter 4 Target Responsib le Manager Progress (Achieve d, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved ) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Propo sed Corre ctive Actio ns To facilitate and coordinate women’s empowerment and gender equality through mainstreaming in all government’s policies programmes and governance processes as well as advocating lobbying and awareness raising New Growth Path Engendered Report on advocacy programmes on engendering the new growth path and statistics of Job Fund allocations compiled CD Advocacy & Mainstrea ming Partially Achieved Limited human resource affected advocacy across the country Number of programmes on rural women’s development coordinated 2 Provincial programmes on rural women’s consultations and projects coordinated (FS, Mpu ) CD Advocacy & Mainstrea ming AchievedNoneN/A 11/8/2015
5 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/ output 2012/13 Quarter 4 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variance s (partially or not achieved) Propos ed Correct ive Action s To facilitate and coordinate women’s empowerment and gender equality through mainstreaming in al government’s policies programmes and governance processes as well as advocating lobbying and awareness raising Number of Advocacy and Social Campaigns coordinated 1 Advocacy Campaign on raising awareness among women on Human Rights coordinated CD Advocacy and Mainstreaming AchievedNoneN/A 11/8/2015
6 MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS KPIQ4 Target Achieved Progress Information Number of programmes on rural women’s development coordinated 2 Provincial programmes on rural women`s consultations and projects coordinated (NW, KZN) Site Visits undertaken at Kwa Zulu Natal: on 28 – 30 January 2013 Draft Report available Site visits in the North West Province for women led projects were visited on 18 -20 February 2013 Draft report available
11/8/20157 MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS KPIQ4 Target Achieved Progress Information Number of Advocacy and Social Campaigns coordinated Integrated Mainstreaming strategy with Advocacy strategy finalised and presented to the Portfolio Committee Draft Sanitary Dignity Campaign Strategy developed and consulted on with the National Gender Machinery 1 Social Campaign on International Women’s day coordinated National Gender Mainstreaming Strategy Programme for rural women’s development coordinated Coordinated planning meetings with the Department of International Relations and Cooperation Event successfully coordinated on 9 March 2013 Report available Gender Mainstreaming Strategy finalised National Advocacy Strategy finalised Coordinated consultations with the National Gender Machinery Presented both Mainstreaming and Advocacy Strategies to the Portfolio Committee Coordinated a consultation with the National Gender Machinery on the Sanitary dignity Campaign as one of the programmes for economic empowerment of Rural women
11/8/20158 TARGETS ACHIEVED Q4 KPIQ4 TargetProgress Information/corrective action Number of departments and provinces work shopped and supported on implementation of National Policy on WEGE National policy and WEGE Act consulted on Consultation with the National and Provincial Gender Units conducted on 12 and 13 March 2013 Draft National Gender Mainstreaming Strategy Mainstreaming strategy approved 2-day workshop in March 2013 held Involvement of Departmental Policy and key Units in the workshops as per requests by Departments. Mainstreaming strategy presented to the Portfolio Committee on 27 March 201 New Growth Path Engendered Advocacy programme on engendering the New Growth Path nationally Advocate for 50% allocation of Job Fund for women This is an ongoing program: Letters to key stakeholders written and submission to be submitted and round table to be held in 2013/14 financial year Draft Implementation Plan developed and to be consulted on during the round table
BRANCH CHALLENGES REQUIRING INTERVENTION 9 Referrals to implementing Departments for project funding and technical support are not timeously attended to; and this often lead to missed opportunities for women projects. Lack of sufficient human capacity and requisite skills Lack of sufficient funding to effectively implement operational plan Ad hoc tasks / supplementary tasks 11/8/2015
PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE Monitoring and Evaluation: WEGE 10 Facilitate the translation on national and international Commitments into empowerment and socioeconomic development programmes, as well as to oversee and report comprehensively on the national realisation of women’s rights and progressive realisation of equality. To promote, facilitate and monitor the realisation of the rights and dignity of all women to enable them to reach their full potential in an inclusive and equitable society. 11/8/2015
11 Strategic Objective Performan ce Indicator/o utput 2012/13 Quarter 4Target Resp onsi ble Mana ger Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Correctiv e Actions To monitor compliance and conduct impact assessments on women’s empowerment and gender equality as well as compile reports to meet national, regional, continental and international commitments Number of national departments monitored on WEGE 14 National Depts. work- shopped and monitored on gender responsivene ss CD Achieved NoneN/A Number of provinces gender audited 4 quarterly reports on plans of action on implementing recommendation s CD Partially Achieved Provinces have finalised their audits Audit reports available No progress in meeting with provinces to action recommendations Provinces have not received approval from their executive hence it slowed the process of follow up on recommendati ons Follow up on recommenda tions will be incorporated into monitoring visits to provinces as part of the M&E task in 2013/14 11/8/2015
12 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/outp ut 2012/13Quarter 4Target Responsi ble Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Varianc es (partiall y or not achieve d) Propos ed Correcti ve Actions To monitor compliance and conduct impact assessments on women’s empowerment and gender equality as well as compile reports to meet national, regional, continental and international commitments Number of databases established and monitored 1 database on women farmers / women in agriculture in provinces Created 1 database on women cooperatives created CD: Monitoring and Evaluation Achieved NoneN/A 11/8/2015
13 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/out put 2012/13 Quarter 4 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Propos ed Correcti ve Actions To monitor compliance and conduct impact assessments on women’s empowerment and gender equality as well as compile reports to meet national, regional, continental and international commitments Number of provincial monitoring visits to women’s projects, including green economy projects and case studies documented and published 3 Monitoring visits in Free State, Mpumalanga, and Limpopo CD: M and EAchieved NoneN/A 11/8/2015
14 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/outp ut 2012/13 Quarter 4 Target Respon sible Manage r Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Corrective Actions To monitor compliance and conduct impact assessments on women’s empowerment and gender equality as well as compile reports to meet national, regional, continental and international commitments Number of reports on compliance to regional, continental and international commitments developed and submitted to Cabinet and /or Multilateral bodies as per timeframe and request 1 Report on African Women’s Protocol to AU CD: Achieved NoneN/A Number of reports on compliance to national commitments developed and submitted to Cabinet 1 Report on the assessment on the impact of national focus on infrastructure development and funding for job creation on women in the country submitted CD:Partially AchievedLack of human capacity and lack of budget meant that this KPI could not be undertaken in totality. Draft Impact Assessment Proposal compiled for sourcing external support Will use the M&E tool to include indicators that would generate information in this regard in 2013. 11/8/2015
INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT AND CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES 15 To provide an integrated approach for institutional support and capacity development through provision of institutional support and facilitation of capacity development across the spheres of government, civil society and the private sector 11/8/2015
16 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/ Output 2012/13 Q4 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieve d, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved Reason for Varianc es (partiall y or not achieve d) Propose d Correcti ve Actions To provide an integrated approach for institutiona l support and capacity building Capacity building and institutional support programmes facilitated and coordinated Comprehensive report on capacity development needs for gender mainstreaming and responsive budgeting compiled CD: Institutional Support and capacity development AchievedN/A Strategy for mainstreaming gender considerations in integrated public service delivery coordinated Capacity building and institutional support for alignment of municipal focal points coordinated and comprehensive report compiled. CD: Institutional Support and capacity development AchievedN/A
17 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/ Output 2012/13 Q4 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieve d, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved Reason for Varianc es (partiall y or not achieve d) Propose d Correcti ve Actions To provide an integrated approach for institutiona l support and capacity building Institutional Framework developed Consolidated report Institutional Framework compiled CD: Institutional Support and capacity development AchievedN/A
18 Strategic Objective Performan ce Indicator/ Output 2012/13 Q4 Target Responsible Manager Progres s (Achiev ed, Partially Achieve d or Not Achieve d Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved Propo sed Corre ctive Action s To provide an integrated approach for institutional support and capacity building Machiner ies convene d Joint Machin ery Conven ed CD: Institutional Support and capacity development Achieve d N/A
19 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/ Output 2012/13 Q4 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved Propo sed Corre ctive Action s To provide an integrated approach for institutional support and capacity building Institutional support and capacity building to meet international and regional obligations facilitated Report on green economy empowerm ent initiatives compiled CD: Institutional Support and capacity development Achieved N/A
20 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/ Output 2012/13 Q4 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved Propo sed Corre ctive Action s To provide an integrated approach for institutional support and capacity building Integrated institutional mechanisms for empowermen t of young women facilitated Report on partnershi ps with business and governme nt compiled CD: Institutional Support and capacity development AchievedN/A
21 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/outp ut 2012/13 Quarter 4 Target Responsi ble Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Propose d Correcti ve Actions To facilitate the full functioning of the National council against GBV by providing it with secretariat services and coordination of the 365 days POA wit h government private sector and civil society National Council Established Number of Council Sittings coordinated None 1 Council sitting held CD N/A Achieved N/A Number of Provincial Council established and facilitated 2 Provincial Councils facilitated (KZN-NC) CDNot achievedThe Council took time to be established and there are indication that there will not be provincial councils established NONE Number of Sessions of Secretariat services provided 1 Session of Secretariat services provided CDAchievedN/A 11/8/2015
22 Strategic Objective Performan ce Indicator/o utput 2012/13 Quarter 4 Target Responsibl e Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Corrective Actions To facilitate the full functioning of the National council against GBV by providing it with secretariat services and coordination of the 365 days POA wit h government private sector and civil society Number of Programmes in 365 days POA coordinated None CDN/A Number of Social campaigns coordinated None CDN/A
–Consolidated list of Council members finalised –Appointment letters for Council members finalised and distributed –National Council Strategy drafted in consultation with Office of the Deputy President –National Council On Gender-based Violence established –365 Days National Plan of Action reviewed and costed, preliminary work –5 year Funding proposal compiled and submitted to UN for consideration –Terms of Reference for the National Council reviewed for Council consideration –First meeting of the inaugurated National Council facilitated and coordinated –Progress reports on the work of the Secretariat compiled –Speaking notes for various speaking engagements of the Minister compiled –Presentations made to different fora on the purpose of the National Council –Tracking of progress with regard to reported cases of GBV 11/8/201523 SECRETARIAT MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS
BRANCH CHALLENGES REQUIRING INTERVENTION 24 Lack of sufficient human capacity and requisite skills at departmental and provincial levels Referrals to implementing Departments for project funding and technical support are not timeously attended to, and this often lead to missed opportunities for women projects Lack of sufficient funding to effectively implement operational plan 11/8/2015
END 11/8/201526
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