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By: Diana Perry, Danielle Perry, Justin Carter, Jenny Mack, Betsy Simms, Vanessa Crabtree, Sam Sandusky, and Michael Hertel.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Diana Perry, Danielle Perry, Justin Carter, Jenny Mack, Betsy Simms, Vanessa Crabtree, Sam Sandusky, and Michael Hertel."— Presentation transcript:


2 By: Diana Perry, Danielle Perry, Justin Carter, Jenny Mack, Betsy Simms, Vanessa Crabtree, Sam Sandusky, and Michael Hertel

3 WHAT WE LEARNED During our hike we learned many interesting facts such as… What kind of calls bears make. How to locate the bear. What kind of test to do on the bear while it is on the drugs. How to set up the trap. How to trap a bear. This is a sardine can that was used as bait for a trap. A bear took a bite out of it. That is Betsy’s hand

4 HOW TO TRAP A BEAR 1.First you have to set up a trap. 2.Then you have to camouflage the trap. 3.Then you add bait to attract the bear (such as sardines.) 4.Hen you wait. Come back a day later to check on the trap. This is the man setting up the bear trap.


6 Mike BLACK BEAR Black Bears can climb trees They also hibernate in caves They feast on berries

7 Betsy “Cheese” Simms

8 I’ve just entered this majestic region called the Smoky Mountains - As I enter the land I feel as one with the environment. I think of all the millions of people who travel from far away lands to see the beauty that now surrounds me entirely. I think of the natives and how rich they are to have grown up in a place that has it’s own biological dependency. It’s fall, the leaves have turned and now cover the woodland with rich colors of red, yellow, brown and orange. They fall like snowflakes covering the ground like a brown layer of snow. I feel God’s presence and see his dream that is now a reality. His creation of this vast, yet beautiful land overwhelms me. His spirit is reflected in the wind that blows over the flat lands in the valleys, and the peaks that’s surround me. The smoke in the air reminds me of mans destruction to the beauty that beholds us all. In many ways I find myself wishing I could see the world from

9 another angle. But I consider myself very lucky to be alive and enjoy this historical sight. I feel privileged to see this beauty, to see the complexity of every living thing in its own natural habitat. I see the simplicity in the way people live here, living off and for the land to make it last for generations to come. Henry David Throw write a book called Walden in one of his scriptures he tells of a time when he sat and watched ants fight a war, he tells us this because he believed in simplicity. He lived for simplicity and felt that society makes life more complex and stressful then it should ever have to be. Though I find this land to be the most exciting and adventurous, its not home.

10 Danielle FALL Leaves falling down Without specific destiny Towards rocky earth

11 Diana CINQUAIN Slimy Salamander Slithered across my hand And back onto a near by leaf Good-bye

12 Jenny WATERFALLS Free falling water Streaming over the hilltops Never stops flowing

13 Justin TRAPPED With the snap of it It happens all so very quickly you are stuck and trapped

14 Sam Haiku Walking through the woods A suspiciously leafy floor Bam! We caught a bear

15 Vanessa A HARMLESS TRAP Unsuspected trap Helpful info. Is found. The Black Bear is free

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