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Sexual Expression- What’s the big deal anyway? Sexual Expression- What’s the big deal anyway? Today’s discussions:

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Presentation on theme: "Sexual Expression- What’s the big deal anyway? Sexual Expression- What’s the big deal anyway? Today’s discussions:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexual Expression- What’s the big deal anyway? Sexual Expression- What’s the big deal anyway? Today’s discussions:

2 How do we set goals for our sexuality? How does today effect tomorrow? How can our honesty in our relationships make a difference?

3 Sexual Expression Is it hard to reserve sexual feelings? How much time goes by before you think the average couple engages in a French kiss? How much time do you think the average girl spends putting together her prom night? Dress, hair, nails, etc.

4 Sexual Expression How can our clothes express our sexuality? How excited do you get when it is Christmas or you birthday and you have a bunch of gifts in front of you to open? What about your sexuality ?

5 Being honest with your feelings, communicating openly about your feelings, and feeling safe in doing so are very important part of dating.

6 How can I be sure my partner does not have an STD? Go in as a couple and get STD Tested, that is before any kind of sexual activity takes place. You can’t tell by looking at someone, if they have an STD. Many young kids today that are infected do not have many signs or symptoms that they in fact have an STD, so they are unaware of their infection. Many young kids today that are infected do not have many signs or symptoms that they in fact have an STD, so they are unaware of their infection. The only way to be 100% is to be tested!! Go in as a couple and get STD Tested, that is before any kind of sexual activity takes place. You can’t tell by looking at someone, if they have an STD. Many young kids today that are infected do not have many signs or symptoms that they in fact have an STD, so they are unaware of their infection. Many young kids today that are infected do not have many signs or symptoms that they in fact have an STD, so they are unaware of their infection. The only way to be 100% is to be tested!!

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