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Circle of Courage. The Circle of Courage Why do I need to know this? Do you want to be the best person you can be? Do you want to be the best person.

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Presentation on theme: "Circle of Courage. The Circle of Courage Why do I need to know this? Do you want to be the best person you can be? Do you want to be the best person."— Presentation transcript:

1 Circle of Courage

2 The Circle of Courage

3 Why do I need to know this? Do you want to be the best person you can be? Do you want to be the best person you can be? Do you want to be successful in life? Do you want to be successful in life? Do you want to be happy? Do you want to be happy? Working with the Circle of Courage values helps us be all we can be. Working with the Circle of Courage values helps us be all we can be.

4 Belonging: “You are unique” Feeling like you belong includes: Feeling like you belong includes: –Having friends –Having fun –Joining in –Playing well with others –Being okay with who you are Helping others belong includes: Helping others belong includes: –Accepting others as they are –Treating other respectfully –Including others –Being friendly, kind and helpful

5 Elephant and Dog Story =cBtFTF2ii7U =cBtFTF2ii7U

6 Mastery: “You are valuable” Do you know about the gifts and talents you have, in and out of school? Showing Mastery is about discovering what you are good at. * Learning * Problem Solving * Putting your best effort in, even when things are hard. * Discovering talents in sports, art, music and other things.

7 Amazing People Landon Rules Landon Rules Landon Rules Landon Rules

8 Independence: “You have choices” Independence is about making good choices: I know how to control my own behavior. I know the right thing to do. I make good choices. It’s okay to make a mistake. Others trust me and believe me.

9 Making the right choices X factor X factor

10 Generosity: “You need others” Generosity is about giving and forgiving: Sharing Helping Playing fair Forgiving others when they make a mistake Cheering people up when they are sad is about having a generous spirit

11 Making a difference Softball Dream Softball Dream

12 Connect Circle of Courage to Bullying When you teach about the Circle talk about how it takes “courage” to be the best we can be. When you teach about the Circle talk about how it takes “courage” to be the best we can be. The most successful people have skills in these areas. The most successful people have skills in these areas. Focus on having a ‘belonging and generosity’ when connecting to bullying Focus on having a ‘belonging and generosity’ when connecting to bullying Do the survey Do the survey Share the results with kids and parents Share the results with kids and parents Bringing kids awareness to this issue is half the battle Bringing kids awareness to this issue is half the battle

13 Connections to Bullying What’s the difference between teasing and bullying? What’s the difference between teasing and bullying? What does it mean to be ‘kind’. Let’s adopt a ‘be kind to one another’ policy What does it mean to be ‘kind’. Let’s adopt a ‘be kind to one another’ policy What ways can we practice this? What ways can we practice this? –Have kids help you list ways –Pay it forward –Create ‘kind’ theme days –Have kids submit names of people who have been kind to them

14 Don’t teach it, live it Respond to each situation students tell about ….with care and concern Respond to each situation students tell about ….with care and concern –Tattlers “Are you telling me to help…or hurt…?” –Don’t say things like “this is not your business” – rather say “I got this. Thank you for letting me know.” –Commend students for being brave enough to tell. Teach kids about when to tell. –Give kids scripts. Next time you say “….”

15 Comeback…. Then walk away I don’t care what you think. I don’t care what you think. Why do you care? Why do you care? Whatever Whatever Laugh Laugh You are really mean. You are really mean.

16 Other considerations Let parents know…. Let parents know…. Do mini ‘restitutions’ Do mini ‘restitutions’ –“Is it okay to make a mistake?” –“Did you make one?” –“How are you going to make it better?” –Monitor, monitor, monitor

17 Think of ways to make “courage” cool We did ‘caught ya’ draws We did ‘caught ya’ draws Teach circle of courage Teach circle of courage –Make the conversations with children about it. “Wow, that is great generosity you are showing” “Wow, that is great generosity you are showing” “I love how you helped ….belong” “I love how you helped ….belong” Write ‘awesome mastery of this skill’ on a test Write ‘awesome mastery of this skill’ on a test Talk about great choices through independence Talk about great choices through independence Post the circle of courage all over your school Post the circle of courage all over your school Apply it to conferences, etc. (see handouts) Apply it to conferences, etc. (see handouts)

18 What parents want Accountability when their child is not treated well by other children: Accountability when their child is not treated well by other children: –Respond with concern for both the child and the bully –Check in with the parent (and the child) about how things are going –Give the child tools (role playing, ‘come backs’)

19 What parents want Fairness when their child is the bully Fairness when their child is the bully –Approach saying words like “I don’t know if they realize how hurtful their actions were to …” “I don’t know if they realize how hurtful their actions were to …” “We are working on ‘kindness’ at our school and we want to give … a chance to turn this around.” “We are working on ‘kindness’ at our school and we want to give … a chance to turn this around.” Help everyone understand the accountability of the bystander. Help everyone understand the accountability of the bystander. Highly recommend RAP training Highly recommend RAP training –End of easter break, May, early July, Late August

20 Connections BELONGING…. Feeling great about you MASTERY…. Then working hard to achieve success INDEPENDENCE… Then making positive choices GENEROSITY… Then allow giving to feed your spirit and give back to others Have the courage to be all you can be!

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