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U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration - 1 - Hazardous Materials Grants Webinar for 2012 Grant Applicants.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration - 1 - Hazardous Materials Grants Webinar for 2012 Grant Applicants."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration - 1 - Hazardous Materials Grants Webinar for 2012 Grant Applicants February 22, 2012

2 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Agenda Program Overview and Grants Team 2012-2013 Application Guidance Tools and Resources - 2 -

3 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Program Overview and Grants Team - 3 -

4 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration PHMSA Mission To protect people and the environment from the risks inherent in transportation of hazardous materials - by pipeline and other modes of transportation. –Preparedness and Response: To reduce the consequences (harm to people, environment, and economy) after a pipeline or hazmat failure has occurred. - 4 -

5 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Hazmat Grant Program Purpose To increase State, Territorial, Tribal, and local effectiveness in safely and efficiently handling hazardous materials accidents and incidents and to encourage a comprehensive approach to emergency training and planning by incorporating the unique challenges of responses to transportation situations. - 5 -

6 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration The Hazmat Grant Programs SPSTG $1 million The IAFF Train instructors on Hazmat response HMEP $21.8 million States, Territories & Tribes Assist local communities in Planning and Training on Hazmat incidents in transportation HMIT $4 million Employee Organizations - 6 -

7 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration - 7 - Hazmat Grants Personnel - 7 - Kyra Stewart,Chief, Grants and Registration (Acting) Sr. HMEP Grant Program Analyst Windy Hamilton,Grant Specialist Crystal Catlett,Grant Specialist Suezett Edwards,Grant Specialist Lisa Reichenbacher,Grant Specialist Andre White, Grant Specialist Jasmine Clarke,Administrative Assistant

8 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Grant Specialist Assignments - 8 - Crystal CatlettSuezett EdwardsWindy HamiltonAndre White Lisa Reichenbacher AlaskaArkansasAlabama (Reichenbacher)Ely ShoshoneConnecticut CaliforniaNew YorkArizona (White)Fallon Paiute-ShoshoneGeorgia DelawareFloridaColorado (Catlett)Inter TribalLouisiana KansasIllinoisHawaii (Catlett)Council of Arizona Michigan MaineIndianaIdaho (Reichenbacher)Nez Perce TribeMaryland MissouriIowaKentucky (Reichenbacher)Pueblo of LagunaMississippi NevadaMassachusettsMinnesota (Catlett)Reno SparksNebraska North CarolinaOregonMontana (White)Saint Regis MohawkNew Jersey OklahomaTexasOhio (White)San ManuelNorth Dakota TennesseeNew HampshirePennsylvania (Catlett)Seminole TribeSouth Carolina West VirginiaNew MexicoRhode Island (White)Vermont UtahSouth Dakota (Reichenbacher) Virginia WisconsinWashington (White)Supplemental Public Sector Training Grants Wyoming District of ColumbiaGuamHazardous Materials Instructors Training Grants Virgin Islands American SamoaPuerto Rico Northern Mariana Is.

9 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Rebranding of the HMEP Grants Program - 9 - PHMSA is committed to ensuring that the HMEP Grant Program is making strides in the area of process improvement. This requires that the Grant Program monitor efficacy, increase outreach efforts with our grantees, and furthers its reach to the Nation’s first responders. Grantees will be encouraged to administer high performing HMEP Grant programs within their States, Territories and Tribes. To facilitate this process, the Grant Program will provide improved IT resources, increased contact with Grant Specialists, and better guidance.

10 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Grant Program Priorities Aligning Grant funded activities to PHMSA Priorities and Grant Program intent Enhanced Outreach and Guidance –Webinars –Sharing of Best Practices –Site Visits Increased oversight of grantee –Financial Requests (application and SF-270s) –Reporting - 10 -

11 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration 2012-2013 Application Guidance - 11 -

12 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Hazmat Grants Schedule - 12 - Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb April 1 st 2 nd Qtr SF-425 Due July 1 st 3 rd Qtr SF-425 Due Sept 30 th 4 th Qtr SF-425 Due Dec 31 st Close-Out Reports Due Jan 1 st 1 st Qtr SF-425 Due March 1 st Application Process Begins May 1 st Deadline for Applications Sept 30 th HMEP Grants Awarded* Oct 1 st All Grants Open for Use (HMEP, HMIT, and SPSTG) Dec 31st Deadline for Return of Signed Awards * Grant award must be signed and returned before funds are available for disbursement.

13 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Hazmat Grant Application - 13 - Applications open March 1, 2012 Current and recent grantees will be notified by email with proposed award amount and 3-year history of fund usage Grantees apply through Questions: Program: Grant Specialist or Carrie Brown Winslow, / 617-494- AWARD USED UNUSED PERCENTAGE YearPLANNINGTRAININGTOTALPLANNINGTRAININGTOTALPLANNINGTRAININGTOTALUN-USED 2010162,611.00238,676.00401,287.00139,664.80147,915.20287,580.0022,946.2090,760.80113,707.0028% 2009162,611.00238,676.00401,287.00155,544.00156,006.40311,550.407,067.0082,669.6089,736.6022% 2008162,611.00238,676.00401,287.00124,028.00152,014.00276,042.0038,583.0086,662.00125,245.0031%

14 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Hazmat Grant Application Kit - 14 - Apply through Forms Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424) Budget for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424A) Assurances for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424B) Combined Assurances (ED-80-0013) Narrative 1.Agency Identification 2.Transportation Fees 3.Contact Information 4.Report of Progress 5.Program Goals and Objectives 6.Statement of Work for Upcoming Budget Period 7.SERC/LEPC Involvement 8.Supplies and Equipment

15 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration 2012 – 2013 Application Summary - 15 - This year, we are recommending that grantees place additional emphasis on the following sections: -Program Goals and Objectives  List goals/objectives of training and planning activities and how they tie into program goals/objectives -Statement of Work  Statement of proposed activities or deliverables  Number of proposed activities or deliverables  Schedule of implementation -Budget Narrative We are also clarifying that the Report of Progress information may be provided through Quarterly and Final Reports, rather than as a narrative within the application.

16 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration 2012-2013 HMEP Application Evaluation Criteria Agency/State goals and objectives identified? SF-424A budget substantiated in the narrative? Matching detailed? Object Class Category correctly used? Personnel costs charged to the program? Indirect costs passed through to the program? Planning/Training SOWs included? –Project costs allowable, reasonable, feasible? Subgrant schedules provided? - 16 -

17 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Program Vulnerabilities Agency/State goals and objectives identified? -Misaligned objectives enable unallowable expenses SF-424A budget substantiated in the narrative? -Undisclosed activities enable unallowable activities Matching details? -Lack of clarification on how match will be met may result in rushed and incorrect accounting. - 17 -

18 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Program Vulnerabilities Object Class Category correctly used? -Incorrect categorization enables mishandling of expenses or may cause post-award audit triggers Personnel costs charged to the program? -Undisclosed activities enable unallowable activities Indirect costs passed through to the program? -Lack of supporting documentation/clarity on inclusions can result in duplicate expenses for HMEP - 18 -

19 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Program Vulnerabilities Planning SOWs included? -Lack of planned program activities enable unfocused and ineffective spending Training SOWs included? -Lack of planned program activities enable unfocused and ineffective spending Subgrant schedules Provided? - 19 -

20 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Sample Application - 20 - The Sample HMEP Application is one of PHMSA’s efforts to provide grantees with better application guidance. This document demonstrates a comprehensive and effective proposal of activities to be performed with HMEP Grant funds. The sample application may be used as an example of how to organize application information. Additional application information can be found in the Application Kit.

21 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration General Requirements Agency Identification Please indicate the agency name and address, and Agency Director’s name Transportation Fees Explain whether the State/Territory assesses and collects fees on the transportation of hazardous materials and whether such assessments or fees are used solely to carry out purposes related to the transportation of hazardous materials Contact Information State the designated project manager including the name, position, address, email address, and telephone number of that individual who will be responsible for coordinating the funded activities with other agencies and organizations Report of Progress Planning and Training progress will be referenced in Quarterly and Final Reports Reference: Application Kit – p. 9 Sample Application – p. 2 – 3 - 21 -

22 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Introduction Provide a brief description of the state or territory, including pertinent information regarding the transportation of hazmat in the State/Territory Purpose Purpose/Mission of State’s or Territory’s hazmat emergency response program Objectives Objectives of hazmat emergency response program Goals List hazmat emergency response program’s planning and training goals for the upcoming grant cycle Sub-Grantee Award Schedule Planned schedule for proposal selection and sub-grant awarding Program Goals and Objectives Reference: Application Kit – p. 9 Sample Application – p. 3 - 22 -

23 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Statement of Work HMEP grant application should include a task-based statement of work, which ties to the budget Tasks should directly relate to improving hazmat transportation safety Proposed outcomes may include results of performance measurements such as: –Increase (year-to-year) of LEPCs with an effective emergency plan in place –Percentage of plans that have been tested during the grant cycle –Percentage of plans that have been updated during the grant cycle - 23 -

24 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Statement of Work Planning Grant Overview Statement of proposed planning activities for upcoming grant period If funding for planning activities will be distributed to sub-grantees, provide explanation of criteria used in selection/funding process Activities Provide a detailed description of the planning activities that will be performed in the upcoming grant period, including information such as: Goals/objectives of planning activities and how they tie into program goals/objectives Number and types of deliverables and products to be completed Schedule for implementation of proposed grant activities Reference: Application Kit – p. 10 Sample Application – p. 4 – 7 - 24 -

25 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Statement of Work Training Grant Overview Statement of proposed training activities for upcoming grant period  Activities  Provide a detailed description of the training activities that will be performed in the upcoming grant period, including information such as: - Goals/objectives of training activities and how they tie into program goals/objectives - Course information - Training activities schedule  Number of training sessions provided for each course  Estimated number of participants, if possible Reference: Application Kit – p. 10 Sample Application – p. 8 – 11 - 25 -

26 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Budget Narrative a. Personnel - Job title - Role in HMEP grant - Annual salary (Indicate percentage to be charged to HMEP grant and basis for allocation) - Total cost for budget period a. Personnel - Job title - Role in HMEP grant - Annual salary (Indicate percentage to be charged to HMEP grant and basis for allocation) - Total cost for budget period c. Travel (Do not include Travel for sub-grants) - Local Travel: -Estimate of aggregate costs - Mileage reimbursement rate - Reasons for travel - Non-Local Travel: - Estimated # of trips - Purpose and programmatic need - Location and estimated costs c. Travel (Do not include Travel for sub-grants) - Local Travel: -Estimate of aggregate costs - Mileage reimbursement rate - Reasons for travel - Non-Local Travel: - Estimated # of trips - Purpose and programmatic need - Location and estimated costs b. Fringe Benefits - If included as Direct Cost: - Percentage used (fringe benefit rate) - Basis for computation of rate - If addressed as Indirect Cost: - Do not include amounts for fringe benefits b. Fringe Benefits - If included as Direct Cost: - Percentage used (fringe benefit rate) - Basis for computation of rate - If addressed as Indirect Cost: - Do not include amounts for fringe benefits d. Equipment (Do not include Equipment for sub-grants) - Identify equipment that: -is tangible - is non-expendable personal property - has an estimated cost of $5,000+/unit - has a useful life of more than 1 year - will be used during proposed planning or training activities d. Equipment (Do not include Equipment for sub-grants) - Identify equipment that: -is tangible - is non-expendable personal property - has an estimated cost of $5,000+/unit - has a useful life of more than 1 year - will be used during proposed planning or training activities e. Supplies (Tangible property other than “Equipment”; Do not include Supplies for sub-grants) - Identify categories of supplies to be procured which will be used during proposed planning or training activities - Identify “sensitive” items (laptops, GPSs, etc.) and associated cost/unit e. Supplies (Tangible property other than “Equipment”; Do not include Supplies for sub-grants) - Identify categories of supplies to be procured which will be used during proposed planning or training activities - Identify “sensitive” items (laptops, GPSs, etc.) and associated cost/unit h. Other - Provide detailed information on other subgrants, Insurance, space rental, printing, publication, Postage, utilities, telephone, rental of equipment and supplies, and activities not covered under other budget categories. h. Other - Provide detailed information on other subgrants, Insurance, space rental, printing, publication, Postage, utilities, telephone, rental of equipment and supplies, and activities not covered under other budget categories. f. Contractual - Anticipated expenditures for services/analyses or consultants - Specify purpose and estimated cost f. Contractual - Anticipated expenditures for services/analyses or consultants - Specify purpose and estimated cost j. Indirect Charges - Identify cognizant federal agency for negotiation of indirect cost rate - Indicate approved indirect rate - Provide copy of negotiated agreement in effect at beginning of grant period j. Indirect Charges - Identify cognizant federal agency for negotiation of indirect cost rate - Indicate approved indirect rate - Provide copy of negotiated agreement in effect at beginning of grant period Reference: Application Kit – p. 10 Sample Application – SF-424A and p. 12 – 17 - 26 -

27 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Budget Narrative: Example – Personnel - 27 -

28 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration SERC and LEPC Involvement Provide a statement detailing appropriate SERC and LEPC involvement Supplies and Equipment Provide a description of supplies and equipment needed to implement the statement of work and justification for these needs SERC and LEPC & Supplies and Equipment Reference: Application Kit – p. 10 Sample Application – p. 17 - 28 -

29 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Assurances Compliance Forms:  Actions Required of Recipients of HMEP Planning Grants  Actions Required of Recipients of HMEP Training Grants Assurance of Compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964:  Appendix A  Appendix B  Appendix C Reference: Sample Application – p. A-4 – A-12 - 29 -

30 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Proposed Planning Activity for Supplemental Funding The HMEP Grant program may, utilizing any unused HMEP Grant funds, provide supplemental grant funding to applicants who substantiate a need for additional funding. Please see Appendix A-2, Proposed Planning Activity for Supplemental Funding, in the Sample Application for guidance. Reference: Sample Application – p. A-2 - 30 -

31 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Hazmat Grant Awards Awards may be offered with conditions that must be met to access funding Awarded on August 1 via Email Awards must be accepted, signed and returned within 60 days of offer to be valid - 31 -

32 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Program Tools and Resources - 32 -

33 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Data Entry Tool - Home Page - 33 -

34 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Data Entry Tool – Submission Form - 34 -

35 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Sample Application - 35 - The Sample HMEP Application is one of PHMSA’s efforts to provide grantees with better application guidance. This document demonstrates a comprehensive and effective proposal of activities to be performed with HMEP Grant funds. The sample application may be used as an example of how to organize application information. Additional application information can be found in the Application Kit.

36 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration HMEP Activities Guidance - 36 - Updated to be more user friendly based on grantee feedback Describes HMEP activities within the context of seven object class categories Provides an updated list of example activities

37 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Site Visit Guidance for Grantees - 37 -

38 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Grant Program Outreach Enhancing our Outreach efforts –Conferences –Regional Events –Site Visits –Desk Audits - 38 -

39 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Grant Program Outreach Website Enhancements Webinars –Program Overview –Application Trends –Terms and Conditions –Grants Management - 39 -

40 U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Questions (202)366-1109 - 40 -

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