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Tool Identification in Animal Science

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1 Tool Identification in Animal Science
Objective 4.04: Remember tools and their safety practices related to the animal science industry.

2 Castrator- tool for sterilizing small animals
Elastrator Scalpel

3 Dehorner- removing horns from cattle
Electric Chemical paste

4 Ear Tagger – Labels individual animals for identification

5 Fence Pliers – Building and repairing wire fences

6 Fence Staple – For nailing up fencing

7 Implant Gun – Injects growth hormones in animals

8 Candler – Used in poultry industry to examine eggs

9 Insemination Rods and Straws – used in artificial insemination to insert semen into female

10 Microscope – Used to examine sperm for artificial insemination

11 Liquid Nitrogen Tank – Used to store semen

12 Rectal Thermometer – Used to measure temperature of animals

13 Syringe and Needles – Used to inject medicines and vaccines into animals

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