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Some inter-institutional coordination experiences for the generation of information on energy sector in Mexico OSLO GROUP ON ENERGY STATISTICS Second Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Some inter-institutional coordination experiences for the generation of information on energy sector in Mexico OSLO GROUP ON ENERGY STATISTICS Second Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some inter-institutional coordination experiences for the generation of information on energy sector in Mexico OSLO GROUP ON ENERGY STATISTICS Second Meeting New Delhi, February 5-7, 2007 Carlos Roberto López Pérez DIRECTOR OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT STATISTICS – INEGI, MEXICO

2 1.Generation and compilation of statistics in recent years in Mexico 2. Reorganizing and regulating the elaboration and compilation of statistical and geographic information 3. Lessons learned and perspectives 4. Some recommendations for improvements of Manuals O u t l i n e

3 Until beginnings of 80’s: Institutional dispersion in production of information 1980-83: Need to order and regulate the production and uses of information 2 important actions were adopted: Decree of the Law of Statistic and Geographic Information (LIEG) in December 1980 and reformed in 1983 Creation of the INEGI in February 1983 1. Generation and compilation of statistics in recent years in Mexico

4 1983-2001: INEGI’s role in the development of information Balance: increasing gap between supply and the demand of statistics Creation of the Ministry of Energy (1994) instead of the Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry of the State Diverse and important problems to solve What about manuals of United Nations’ statistics energy? 1. Generation and compilation of statistics in recent years in Mexico

5 2000: A new federal government arrived and the Ministry of Energy was restructured 2001: A new administration at INEGI Another vision in coordinating the development of information Important changes in structure and processes 2. Reorganizing and regulating the elaboration and compilation of statistical and geographic information

6 INEGI is the Central Coordinator Unit of National Information Systems and participates as technical secretary of standards within each sectoral technical committee for the development of information IPU Judicial and Legislative Instances IPU Federal Public Administration (18 Ministries) IPU Municipal Governments IPU - Information Producer Unit CCU - Coordinator Central Unit IPU State Governments (31 States + the Federal Capital) INEGI:  Production  Integration  Dissemination  Standardization 2. Reorganizing and regulating the elaboration and compilation of statistical and geographic information Fig. 1 – INEGI’s role

7 LESSONS: INEGI has assumed its role as the coordinator of the National System of Statistic and Geographic Information SOME ACHIEVEMENTS (2004-2006): INEGI elaborated the National Program of Statistical and Geographical Information (2004), and collaborates with the ministries and federative entities in the elaboration of the statistical and geographic information programs Technical Committees and Working Groups were established within each government sector 3. Lessons learned and perspectives

8 The Ministry of Energy launched (2005) the System of Energy Information (SEI) The National Program of Statistical and Geographical Information for Energy Sector was elaborated (2006) 3. Lessons learned and perspectives

9 Fig. 2 - The Technical Committee of Statistic and Geographic Information of Energy Sector All of this agencies produce their own information and provide data for the System of Energy Information (SEI) 3. Lessons learned and perspectives

10 Fig. 3 – The New Law of Statistic and Geographic Information establishes 3 National Information Subsystems National Subsystem of Social and Demographic Information National Subsystem of Geography and Environment Information National Subsystem of Economic Information 2 impacting facts for the development of statistics and geographic information:  2006: INEGI’s autonomy.  2007: A new law on statistic and geographic information will be decreed. 2 expected important changes:  Revision and update of the methodological and conceptual infrastructure, as well as the activities and processes.  More integration and geo- referenced information systems. 3. Lessons learned and perspectives

11 Usage of manuals of Energy Statistics in Mexico A relevant diagnosis by Mr. Paul Cheung, Director, UNSD: «Energy statistics is often not included in the traditional work of statistical offices. In the majority of countries, energy ministries, agencies specialized in one fuel type or in one particular flow, or sometimes large energy companies, are responsible for energy statistics. Country energy data is often produced outside the system of official statistics.» Opening speech in the Ad-hoc Energy Group Meeting (New York, 23-25 May 2005). 4. Some recommendations for improvement of Manuals

12 A diagnosis on the best practices for the generation, compilation and systematization of energy statistics will require: 1. A Questionnaire on best practices (the state of the art) for the production and compilation of Energy Statistics. Energy Ministry and the national statistical office should participate. 2. Follow up the UN’s recent experiences: (i) the UN Questionnaire on Environment Statistics 1999-2006, and (ii) the questionnaire for a Global Assessment on Environment Statistics and Environmental-Economic Accounting, promoted by the UN Committee of Experts on EEA (UNCEEA) 4. Some recommendations for improvement of Manuals

13 3. Link and bridge energy statistics with environment statistics and/or sustainable development. The experience of IAEA for the elaboration of Indicators for Sustainable Energy Development can be used. 4. Mexico can contribute its experience in improving the manuals of Energy Statistics and Energy Accounts towards 2010. Its work experiences on the matter and with LAC countries can be useful.

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