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Chapter 2 Development of Middle Level Learners. This chapter will approach young adolescent development from five broad perspectives: Development of Middle.

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1 Chapter 2 Development of Middle Level Learners

2 This chapter will approach young adolescent development from five broad perspectives: Development of Middle Level Learners CharacterSocialEmotionalIntellectualPhysical

3 Physical Development Influences every other type of development that middle level students experience

4 Mismatched parts No such thing as “typical” Mister potato head Puberty Hair growth Pimples Taller Heavier Sexual Maturity Poor decisions Pregnancy Sexually transmitted diseases Timing Ages 10-13 Early bloomers Late bloomers

5 Physical Development Issues 1.Middle level students need information on physical development 2.Physical changes affect behavior 3.Rapid Growth requires increased nutrition 4.Children at this age should not be stereotyped according to physical changes 5.Many related arts curricular areas require physical development to master skills involved 6.Many girls will experience the first signs of a menstrual period during the school day 7.Middle level students are restless and uncomfortable much of the time 8.Sitting for long periods of time is likely to have negative effects on young bodies and on mental processing 9.Most very concerned about appearance and constantly looking in the mirror 10.Overactive glands may cause difficulties

6 Intellectual Development Transitional state between child-like thinking and adult-like thinking More from concrete thinking to abstract thinking

7 Becoming Movement from concrete (age 10-14) to abstract thinking (ages 11-17) Is idiosyncratic-happens at different rates and stages for all of us.

8 Intellectual Development Issues 1.The attention span may not be as great as it was in late elementary school or will be in high school. 2.Middle level students often have very vivid imaginations which can be linked to concepts as abstract thinking develops. 3.Because intellectual development is so variable among middle school students, a group of 25 seventh graders may represent a whole spectrum of levels of development. 4.As the shift from concrete to abstract thinking is ongoing, we may lose opportunities to challenge middle level students 5.Physical development and intellectual development happen concurrently 6.A major shift in the intellectual development of middle level students is their newly acquired ability to think about their own thinking- metacognition. 7.Begin to understand what is meaningful and useful, with application to their lives.

9 Emotional Development Emotional intelligence determines about 80% of a person’s success on life (Goldman, 1995) Much research has revealed that young adolescents tend to be easily offended, erratic, restless, and self-conscious. Interrelatedness Interrelated with both physical and intellectual development

10 Worry Middle grade students worry about everything

11 Emotional Development Issues 1.Because emotions occur suddenly and without warning, self-regulation is very difficult. 2.Emotional variability places young adolescents at high risk of making decisions that may have negative impact (Milgram, 1992) 3.There will be incidents and events that will trigger emotions to the point of disruption of the learning process.

12 Social Development It has been suggested that the paramount reason young adolescents come to school is not for the education we offer but because school is where the other kids are. In my years of being a teacher and researcher with ten to fourteen year-olds, I have come to recognize that both goals-companionship and learning- are powerful, complementary motivators. (Stevenson, 1992)

13 Adult Relationships Young adolescents find themselves caught between their desire to be safe and secure and their desire for freedom and independence. Peer and Group Relationships Where do I fit in? Peer pressure Who is my best friend?

14 Social Development Issues Young adolescents have a very strong need to be part of a social group. There are young adolescents who feel like targets Young adolescence is a prime time for shyness, given the self-consciousness of the age Teachers’ social backgrounds may be different from their students’

15 Character Development Young Adolescents Character Traits are concerned about fairness ask unanswerable questions need support, but seldom ask for it School Programs Trustworthiness Respect for others Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship

16 Necessary Attributes for Character Growth INTRAPERSONAL ATTRIBUTES 1.Self-discovery 2.Self-management 3.Delayed Gratification 4.Courage 5.Honesty INTERPERSONAL ATTRIBUTES 1.Empathy 2.Altruism 3.Problem Solving 4.Tolerance 5.Social Deftness

17 Character Development Issues 1.Some students grow up in homes with a very strict moral code while others live in homes where there are few moral guidelines or restrictions. 2. Students are continually faced with contradictions concerning character. 3. Middle grades students are especially vulnerable to falling into the “wrong crowd”.

18 Now let’s meet the students…

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