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Extensible Metadata Developments in the Triangle Digital Library Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Extensible Metadata Developments in the Triangle Digital Library Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extensible Metadata Developments in the Triangle Digital Library Project

2 The Problems: heterogeneous data sources –established collections –individual collections –widely differing metadata needs A wide range of catalogers

3 Towards a solution: Some standards: –Dublin Core as “lowest common denominator” –RDBMS as storage / management / retrieval mechanism –XML as metadata storage / transport mechanism

4 Current Implementation Database –Oracle Middleware –Cocoon A Web publishing framework that utilizes Java servlets and XML

5 Let’s restate the problem(s) Collections’ cataloging schemes may have more granularity than Dublin Core is capable of representing.

6 Example: VRA Core: Artemis Artemis slaying Actaeon … bell krater clay pottery – Red Figure …

7 Example: Dublin Core: Artemis Artemis slaying Actaeon pottery – Red Figure … bell krater clay … doesn’t really correspond to technique terminology will be confusing to people used to VRA

8 Proposed solution: Handle both DC and other schemata. Store elements that don’t map to Dublin Core… Artemis Artemis slaying Actaeon pottery – Red Figure bell krater clay pottery – Red Figure

9 Proposed solution: Handle both DC and other schemata. …and map DC elements to other schemas Dublin CoreVRA Core

10 To accomplish this, we’ll need a schema repository –to handle various schemata (both standard Dublin Core and extended in various ways) a crosswalk repository –to handle transforming metadata records to different formats, such as VRA

11 Let’s restate the problem(s) Collections’ cataloging schemes may have more granularity than Dublin Core is capable of representing. Different disciplines have different vocabularies which may overlap.

12 Example … tibia … Is it (a) a leg bone? Or (b) a Roman flute? Answer: depends on the context…

13 Proposed solution: Support multiple controlled vocabularies vocabularies LCSH, etc semantic_units words and phrases elements

14 Let’s restate the problem(s) Collections’ cataloging schemes may have more granularity than Dublin Core is capable of representing. Different disciplines have different vocabularies which may overlap. Different users will have different metadata needs and desires, both in cataloging and retrieving data.

15 Proposed solution(s): Allow users to choose what cataloging schemes they wish to use for entering and retrieving information. Allow users to annotate objects and / or “over-write” metadata.

16 Model

17 Links UNC Digital Library Project – 1999-2000 Digital Library Final Report – Cocoon –

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