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Awakenings Prayer Institute Introduction to an Assessment.

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1 Awakenings Prayer Institute Introduction to an Assessment

2 Introduction  The Awakenings Prayer Institute is a two-year learning community that teaches and practices contemplative patterns of prayer and encourages putting these disciplines to use in active ministry.  We do this through: Seminars Retreats Workshops Custom Training Events Special Prayer Assignments  We have a goal of training 1000 practitioners and 100 facilitators in 10 years.  We are in our third year.

3 I. Introduction II. Profile – Who We Are A. History B. Vision C. Structure D. Culture E. Stakeholders 1. Internal 2. External III. Outputs – What We Do A. Events B. Information Products IV. Processes – How We Do It A. Strategic Planning B. Marketing C. Internal Communication D. Learning E. Evaluation F. Professional Development G. Administration F. Finances V. Results – How We Did A. Strengths and opportunities B. Weaknesses and threats C. Lessons Learned. VI. Next Steps – Getting Better A. Recommendations 1. Keep what works 2. Abandon what doesn’t work B. Implementation Strategies 1. Who advises? 2. Who decides? 3. Timeframe 4. Monitoring

4 Measuring the Quality of Prayer Life  Before and after surveys with scaled ratings of: Time spent in prayer Desire to pray Tolerance for silence Sensing God’s Presence Frequency of receiving clear guidance  Anecdotal or testimonial data collected from: Remarks section of surveys Recorded interviews Class evaluations – especially end of year  Longitudinal follow-up with former students at intervals of: One year Three year Five year

5 Asking Tough Financial Questions  What financial benchmarks are available in similar organizations?  What are the sources of income?  What are some untapped sources of income?  How have the sources of income changed over time?  What are the types of income?  What are some untapped types of income?  What is the budget process?  What financial statements are produced?  How often and by whom is the financial system audited?  What processes are in place to control costs?

6 Awakenings Prayer Institute Pray and Be Blessed

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