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Anti-Bullying Week By Aurnia and Katie. S.T.O.P S = SEVERAL T = TIMES O = ON P = PURPOSE If you get bullied several times on purpose you should tell an.

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Presentation on theme: "Anti-Bullying Week By Aurnia and Katie. S.T.O.P S = SEVERAL T = TIMES O = ON P = PURPOSE If you get bullied several times on purpose you should tell an."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anti-Bullying Week By Aurnia and Katie

2 S.T.O.P S = SEVERAL T = TIMES O = ON P = PURPOSE If you get bullied several times on purpose you should tell an adult. If another child comes up to you and calls you a name once it is not bullying!

3 When is Anti-Bullying Week? Anti-Bullying Week commences on the 19 th November (today) and it finishes on the 24 th of November. REMEMBER school council is holding a competition to design a poster or wristband with the words STOP on it to advertise anti –bullying week. The deadline of the competition is Friday 24 th of November.

4 What Can You Do To Help During Anti-Bullying Week? Be kind, caring and be more friendly towards each other. Help people who are lonely, sad, scared, worried and hurt by playing with them or cheering them up.

5 Help other people. If you see other people being bullied in the playground or around the school. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO ? Please tell an adult ! YOU WILL NOT GET INTO TROUBLE

6 So Remember … St Albans mission statement is to love, learn, share and respect in the light of Jesus. Say no to bullying and remember STOP

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