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Media Campaign Launch January 12, 2012 The State of Homelessness in America 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Media Campaign Launch January 12, 2012 The State of Homelessness in America 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Media Campaign Launch January 12, 2012 The State of Homelessness in America 2012

2 Introductory Logistics Lines are muted to facilitate this call. A recording of this webinar will be posted online early next week. Submit Questions! If you have questions during the webinar, submit them in the question box on your control panel. We will answer as many questions as possible at the end of the webinar.

3 Agenda Introduction Report: Overview and Major Findings Media: Key Messages and Suggested Strategies Policy implications of report Questions


5 Overview Background of report Contents Chapter by chapter findings Other report information

6 Report Background Chronicle changes in homelessness –Nation, states Chronicle changes in related economic and demographic factors –Nation, states –Are conditions (risk) among factors related to homelessness worsening or improving?

7 Contents Three Chapters –Homelessness, economic factors, and demographic factors Data years 2009 to 2011 (homelessness) and 2009 to 2010 (economic and demographic factors) Data from variety of (mostly) public sources

8 Chapter One: Homelessness Overall decrease of 1 percent (about 7,000 people) –Largest decrease was among vets (11 percent) National rate of homelessness is 21 homeless people/10,000 in general population Homelessness increased in 24 states and the District of Columbia

9 Homeless Populations and Subpopulations, 2011

10 Change among Homeless Populations and Subpopulations, 2009 to 2011

11 Chronic Historical

12 Chapter Two: Economic Factors Poor renter households that spent 50 percent or more on housing costs increased (6 percent) Unemployment increased (4 percent) Foreclosure activity increased (2 percent)

13 Cost Burden Historical

14 Chapter Three: Demographic Factors “Doubled-up” increased 13 percent (6 to 6.8 million people) People lacking health insurance (4 percent) Risk findings: –1 in 194 odds of experiencing homelessness for an individual in the general population) –1 in 29 below poverty line –1 in 12 doubled-up –1 in 13 released prisoner –1 in 11 aged out of foster care

15 Doubled-Up Historical

16 Other Points Executive summary ties it all together –Relates the success of HPRP and the urgent need (in current economic and budget climate) to sustain the “early recipe for success…for progress now and in the future” Appendix One –Metro area homeless data (2011 only) Appendix Two –Describes methods Questions: any other questions, please contact me via e- mail (post-release on Wednesday, January 18 th )

17 Media Strategies and Tips

18 Key Messages Homelessness is down – slightly –Down in all groups, especially veterans –Decrease is counterintuitive given recession –Decrease can be attributed to federal investment in solutions

19 Key Messages Invest in what works –HPRP held off increases in homelessness, even during the recession. –HPRP shows that investing in solutions to homelessness produces measurable results. –Results require capital.

20 Key Messages We can’t stop now –HPRP is ending. –Need remains high, as shown in the report (unemployment, severe housing cost burden, doubled up). –Homelessness is a lagging indicator; we may have not seen the worst yet.

21 Strategies –Letters to the editor –Op-ed submissions –Pitch emails/phone calls to reporters

22 Opportunities Economic IndicatorsDemographic Drivers -Unemployment- Doubled Up -Foreclosure- Youth Aging Out of Foster Care -Severe Housing Cost Burden- Discharge from Prison -Average Income - Uninsured

23 Opportunities What are your goals/priorities for this year? What’s the most interesting finding in your community? Which of your press relationships are the strongest?

24 Other Angles Chronic Chronic homelessness continues to decline. By continuing to invest in permanent supportive housing, we can finish the job of ending chronic homelessness.

25 Other Angles Veterans An 11 percent decrease in veterans homelessness is a promising start to the five year plan. SSVF, HUD-VASH, and other housing-based solutions are critical to ensuring we achieve the goal of ending veterans homelessness.

26 Other Angles Youth For another year, the data on youth homelessness is lackluster. The first step to serving this vulnerable, overlooked population is to improve our data.

27 Other Angles Families The recession has taken a hard toll on American families. In order to ensure that all families have a place to call home, we must priorities what works for the most vulnerable people; we must commit to ending homelessness.

28 Other Angles Unsheltered A startling 40 percent of homeless people are unsheltered. We cannot permit our friends and neighbors to languish in poverty without any assistance. State-by-state As the report suggests, homelessness is a situation that varies significantly by state. The one unifying theme is the solution. By investing in housing-based, proven solutions, we can end homelessness in America. Upcoming Counts Most communities will add a chapter to The State of Homelessness in America 2012 in just a few weeks when they conduct their annual homeless count.

29 Tips READ your local papers. PAY ATTENTION to writers who cover your issues. MAKE your pitch. Be direct, concise, and specific. ASK QUESTIONS. FOLLOW UP.

30 Next -After this call, we’ll send out a toolkit with examples, samples. -We will send you the report by tomorrow morning. This report is embargoed until Wednesday, Jan. 18.

31 Questions? Catherine An 202-942-8297

32 Using State of Homelessness for Advocacy

33 Getting Involved Advocacy = Education Send a copy of the report to your policymakers! –Keep the issue top of mind –Show them can be a resource –Provide a local update Questions? Contact Amanda or Kate /

34 Leveraging the Report Leverage State of Homelessness to gain local media coverage Media sets tone for local debate Policymakers monitor media coverage very closely

35 Policy Implications Additional resources for homelessness and affordable housing are needed Need to prioritize proven solutions for the most vulnerable Join our FY 2013 McKinney-Vento Campaign! Email Amanda at

36 Advance Your Policy Priorities Don’t forget state and local policymakers! Use the report to draw attention to homelessness and to your policy priorities Remember: Advocacy is education, so use the report to educate policymakers and the public

37 Next Steps January 12 (today): Sample materials circulated via email January 17: Embargoed copy of the report circulated via email January 18: Official, public release of the report Questions? Contact Amanda or Kate /

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