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Stephen Revelation 2:10; Acts 6:1-15. 7:1-60 “Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.”

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Presentation on theme: "Stephen Revelation 2:10; Acts 6:1-15. 7:1-60 “Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stephen Revelation 2:10; Acts 6:1-15. 7:1-60 “Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.”



4 1.What situation in the church resulted in the establishment of servants (deacons) in the early church? (Acts 6:1-6) The Apostles were busy with various ministries and they occasionally overlooked the needs of some widows. The converted Greek-speaking Jews were overlooked while the Hebrew-speaking Jews were fed. DISCUSSION GUIDE

5 2.List the characteristics of the original deacons. (Acts 6:3) a. They were men b. Good reputation c. Full of the Spirit d. Wise DISCUSSION GUIDE

6 3.What angered the Jews about Stephen? (Acts 6:8-14) First he was smarter than them which bruised their ego, second he preached Jesus and grace over laws and traditions. DISCUSSION GUIDE

7 4.How did Stephen establish a positive rapport with his listeners? (v. 2a) He called them “brothers and fathers.” The term “brothers” occurred six times and “fathers” occurred seventeen times in Stephen’s speech. DISCUSSION GUIDE

8 5.How do you find common ground with someone, even when they are hostile towards you? Refer to people, places or things that you have in common. Be complimentary. DISCUSSION GUIDE

9 6.What is the overall pattern or strategy behind Stephen’s speech? He began with historical narrative covertly (v. 4), then more directly (v. 35), finally overtly (vs. 52-53). DISCUSSION GUIDE

10 7.Find examples in (Acts 7) that support the following major themes of Stephen’s speech. DISCUSSION GUIDE Major ThemesScripture References God was not limited to a building (2b, 5-6, 29-30, 33, 36,44, 4-50) Israel had rejected the deliveries God had sent (9, 25-28, 35, 39- 41, 52 Israel had disregarded the Law (41, 53)

11 8.What should you do when you are rejected after delivering the Gospel of hope to a non-believer? DISCUSSION GUIDE

12 9.How much perseverance do you have when confronted about your beliefs? DISCUSSION GUIDE

13 10.Complete the following chart to compare/contrast Stephen’s attitude with the Sanhedrin: DISCUSSION GUIDE Stephen (Full of the Holy Spirit)Sanhedrin (Full of Hate) (Acts 7:55-56) Extreme control(Acts 7:54) Extreme Anger (Acts 7:58) Extreme faith calling out to the Lord (Acts 7:57) Extreme denial covered their ears (Acts 7:60) Extreme Forgiveness (Acts 7:58) Extreme violence

14 11.How was Stephen’s reaction and response similar to Christ as He endured the crucifixion? Stephen and Christ were both calm, forgiving, prepared and in the center of God’s will. They were at peace because they were full of the Spirit. DISCUSSION GUIDE

15 12.Could you be loving and forgiving of someone who is trying to harm you? What does it take to develop that level of spiritual maturity? DISCUSSION GUIDE

16 13.How did God redeem the stoning of Stephen and the persecution of the church? The church was forced to scatter which meant more Christian’s in more areas of the country. DISCUSSION GUIDE

17 14.How has God “scattered” your church? DISCUSSION GUIDE

18 15.In what hostile setting could you be a witness this week? How? DISCUSSION GUIDE

19 16.Stephen was faithful even unto death. How can you remain faithful to the cause of Christ this week? DISCUSSION GUIDE

20 LIVING FOR THE CAUSE C all of God A ctions to take U nderstanding the cost S trategy for life-change E xpect the good and the bad

21 Pastor Francis Chan

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