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The Association of Municipal Electricity Undertakings (Southern Africa) 1 AMEU History and Structure The AMEU was founded in 1915 and for over 90 years.

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Presentation on theme: "The Association of Municipal Electricity Undertakings (Southern Africa) 1 AMEU History and Structure The AMEU was founded in 1915 and for over 90 years."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Association of Municipal Electricity Undertakings (Southern Africa) 1 AMEU History and Structure The AMEU was founded in 1915 and for over 90 years has provided a forum and network for: –The Engineers who are practising in, and managing, the electricity distribution industry at local community level; –The Municipal Councillors who carry the responsibility and the statutory executive authority for providing services, including electricity, to their communities;

2 The Association of Municipal Electricity Undertakings (Southern Africa) 2 AMEU History and Structure (contd) –The suppliers of equipment, materials and services to the electricity supply industry in Southern Africa, through its Affiliate membership structure; and –Municipal electricity distributors who currently supply approximately 60% of the electricity consumers in South Africa with approximately 40% of the energy sold.

3 The Association of Municipal Electricity Undertakings (Southern Africa) 3 Executive Council President President -ElectVice President- Elect Secretariat Elected Members & Councilors

4 The Association of Municipal Electricity Undertakings (Southern Africa) 4 AMEU Organisational Structure Executive Council Legal and Statutory Committee Finance Committee Tariff Committee Education and Training Committee Publicity Committee Restructuring Committee Technical Committee

5 The Association of Municipal Electricity Undertakings (Southern Africa) 5 AMEU Organisational Structure Branch Network Highveld Branch – Gauteng Province Bushveld Branch – Limpopo Province Mpumalanga Branch Freestate and Northern Cape Branch KwaZulu Natal Branch Eastern Cape Branch Good Hope Branch – W Cape Province

6 The Association of Municipal Electricity Undertakings (Southern Africa) 6 AMEU Organisational Structure Publications AMEU NEWS – 3 X PER YEAR ELECTRONIC BULLETINS MONTHLY PROCEEDINGS BOOK ANNUALLY VERY ACTIVE WEBSITE & ARCHIVE

7 The Association of Municipal Electricity Undertakings (Southern Africa) 7 AMEU Organisational Structure The AMEU actively participates in a large number of workgroups, committees and industry and stakeholder forums where technical and commercial municipal interests are involved.

8 The Association of Municipal Electricity Undertakings (Southern Africa) 8 Industry Structure 187 Municipalities 187 Municipalities PERCENTAGE OF CONSUMERSSALES VOLUME 187 Municipalities 187 Municipalities Eskom Distribution Eskom Distribution Eskom Distribution Eskom Distribution

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