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American Eagle Computer Products Presented by: Gwen Mascarenas June 23, 1999.

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Presentation on theme: "American Eagle Computer Products Presented by: Gwen Mascarenas June 23, 1999."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Eagle Computer Products Presented by: Gwen Mascarenas June 23, 1999

2 American Eagle established in 1978 corporate office located in the Midwest offices also located in Italy, France, Switzerland future site in Buenos Aires and Argentina feel confident that their employees are culturally versatile enough to successfully compete in foreign markets

3 When do you need an Intranet? when you want to organize corporate information to make it easy to use and access to create a networking infrastructure readily accessible to any business partner or employee used to keep essential information readily available, but still keep it secure from an unauthorized user to reduce the need for paper in the office, yet keeping information sharing easy & efficient

4 When do you need an Intranet? (ctnd) Used to facilitate and lessen the cost of communication for multi-national companies can be used to provide remote access to information for you and your staff

5 Internet Services Available Web hosting –Standard package consists of: domain registration easily accessible URL forwarding e-mail box web site activity log ftp server access Cost for this package –initial fee - $150 –monthly fee - $50

6 Internet Services Available (ctnd) Web Design –Clients include: Tooling & Manufacturing Association, which is specialized in mold and die design Thee Diet Shoppe - specialized in diabetic awareness and diet information - offers asset search and background services plus many more...

7 Domain Name Registration You must also register your domain name through the InterNIC, the organization which controls all domain names Costs: –initial registration fee - $100 (for first two years –yearly fee - $50

8 Other products and services Cabling: including 10 Base T Level 5, fiber optic, and microwave installation Consulting in the areas they specialize in Email server setup and maintenance Software training in the following areas: –Intro to Computers –Windows 95

9 Software Training (ctnd) –MS Office Suite –Intuit Quickbooks –Using the Internet

10 About the demo The demo contained: –Employee Information Center, consisting of: employee manuals HR Resource forms –Calendar and Announcements able to access general announcements and the newsletter you are able to post items on both of these sites calendar is much like the one found in Web CT

11 About the demo (ctnd) I really was not overly impressed with the demo because you were not able to edit the fields. The demo really should have had a “dummy” model, where you could edit the fields, thus making it better.

12 I found this project to be interesting because it was fun to see this type of service in action. As I mentioned before, I think it could be improved. I also found the American Eagle to be an interesting company. In conclusion…

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