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Deciduous Forest Caitlin Katz. Description of Biome  Temperatures that change significantly with season  Broadleaf deciduous trees  Rich plant life.

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Presentation on theme: "Deciduous Forest Caitlin Katz. Description of Biome  Temperatures that change significantly with season  Broadleaf deciduous trees  Rich plant life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deciduous Forest Caitlin Katz

2 Description of Biome  Temperatures that change significantly with season  Broadleaf deciduous trees  Rich plant life diversity  Was once home to large predators (bears, wolves, foxes)  Bird species migrate here during summer

3 Monthly Precipitation and Temperature



6 Environmental Damage  As the temperate deciduous forests were settled, industrialized, and urbanized, most of the original forest was cleared  This biome is disturbed by human activity more than any other terrestrial biome

7 Laws and Regulations  Laws to prohibit cutting down acres of trees  Hunting laws to protect endangered species

8 Bibliography  "BBC - GCSE Bitesize: Characteristics and Climate." BBC - Homepage. Web. 27 Nov. 2011..  "Lloydch [licensed for Non-commercial Use Only] / TemperateDeciduousForestGBF." Lloydch [licensed for Non- commercial Use Only] / WorldBiomesWebQuest. Web. 27 Nov. 2011..  Miller, G. Tyler. Living in the Environment. Fifteenth ed. Academic Internet Incorporated, 2007. Print.  White, Neil. "Biomes." Bio Scholar. Wikispaces. Web. 27 Nov. 2011..

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