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Potential energy surface, Force field & Molecular Mechanics 3N (or 3N-6 or 3N-5) Dimension PES for N-atom system x E’ =  k i (l i  l 0,i ) +  k i ’

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Presentation on theme: "Potential energy surface, Force field & Molecular Mechanics 3N (or 3N-6 or 3N-5) Dimension PES for N-atom system x E’ =  k i (l i  l 0,i ) +  k i ’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Potential energy surface, Force field & Molecular Mechanics 3N (or 3N-6 or 3N-5) Dimension PES for N-atom system x E’ =  k i (l i  l 0,i ) +  k i ’ (θ i  θ 0,i ) + etc… bondsangles E’’ =  k i +  k i ’ + etc… bondsangles For geometry optimization, evaluate E, E’ (& E’’) at the input structure X (x 1,y 1,z 1,…,x i,y i,z i,…,x N,y N,z N ) or {l i,θ i,  i }. How do we obtain the potential energy E? QM: Solve Schrödinger equation MM: Evaluate analytic functions (FF) lili θiθi r ij ii


3 Bypass the time-consuming QM procedure (ignore electrons) Write E(R) as a parametric function of nuclear coordinates R Derive the function E(R) from an intuitive ball-and-spring model Fit the parameters to experiment and/or higher-level computational data Force Fields and Molecular Mechanics

4 Two-body case first. Example of pairwise interaction potentials 1. Based on Hooke's law (Simple harmonic functions). Energy associated with vibration about the equilibrium bond length.

5 Bond Stretching Energy Based on Hooke's law (Simple harmonic functions). Energy associated with vibration about the equilibrium bond length. "k b " parameter controls the stiffness of the bond spring (force constant). "r o " parameter defines its equilibrium length. "k b " & "r o " parameters are assigned to each pair of bonded atoms based on their types (e.g. C-C, C-H, O-C, etc.). The model breaks down as a bond is stretched toward the point of dissociation. But bonds are usually so stiff that it works for moderate T.

6 Taylor expansion of energy about equilibrium position r o harmonic Bond Stretching Energy minimum defined as 0 higher term neglected unrealistic when the bond is stretched. fails in strained geometries. Polynomial with higher terms The limiting behavior is not correct for 3rd, 5th order… Morse potential

7 Two-body case first. Example of pairwise interaction potentials. Pair-wise sum of the energies of all possible interacting non-bonded atoms i and j

8 Non-bonded Energy van der Waals (vdW) Attraction Correlation of electron fluctuations. Only attraction which is present between nonpolar molecules (the reason that Ar, He, CH 4 can form liquid phases) Stronger for larger, more polarizable molecules. e.g. CCl 4 > CH 4 ; Kr > Ar > He a.k.a. “London” or “dispersion” forces Overlap of electron clouds Lennard-Jones Exp-6 (Buckingham) Non-bonded Energy: vdW Repulsion

9 Non-bonded Energy Electrostatic (Coulombic) Interaction Energy Coulomb’s law Variables: Interatomic distance (r ij ) Parameters: atomic charges (q i ) calculated using QM Dielectric constant (  0 ) for the attenuation of electrostatic interaction by the environment (80 for aq solution; 1 for vacuum) Very long-range

10 Beyond two-body potential: Angle Bending Energy Also based on Hooke's law (Harmonic function). Energy associated with vibration about the equilibrium bond angle. "k θ " parameter controls the stiffness of the angle spring (force constant). "θ o " parameter defines its equilibrium angle. Parameters are assigned to each bonded triplet of atoms based on their types (e.g. C-C-C, C-O-C, C-C-H, etc.).

11 Taylor expansion of energy about equilibrium position improvements by including higher-order terms Out-of-plane bending  minimum defined as 0 higher term neglected harmonic Angle Bending Energy

12 Beyond two-body potential: Torsion (A-B-C-D bond) Modeled by a simple periodic function "A" parameter controls the amplitude of the curve. "n" parameter controls its periodicity and reflects the symmetry in torsion angle. "  " parameter shifts the entire curve along the rotation angle axis (  ). The parameters are determined from curve fitting. Parameters are assigned to each bonded quartet of atoms based on their types (e.g. C-C-C-C, C-O-C-N, H-C-C-H, etc.). CH 3 -CH 3, for example, ought to repeat its energy every 120 . The cis conformation of a dihedral angle is assumed to be the zero by convention.

13 Periodic Weak (~100 times less stiff than bond stretching motions) (Taylor expansion in  not appropriate) Fourier series Terms are included to capture appropriate minima/maxima Depends on substituent atoms e.g., ethane has three mimum-energy conformations (n = 3) Depends on type of bond e.g. ethane (CH 3  CH 3 ) vs. ethylene (CH 2  CH 2 ) Usually at most n = 1, 2, and/or 3 terms are included Torsion Energy (for A-B-C-D bond)

14 Bonded interaction (valence terms) Nonbonded interaction (non-bonding term) van der Waals (dispersion) Coulombic interaction (electrostatic) + cross terms (coupling) Sum of individual components The mathematical form of the energy terms varies from force-field to force-field.


16 Two-body case first. Example of pairwise interaction potentials. Pair-wise sum of the energies of all possible interacting non-bonded atoms i and j

17 Non-bonded Energy van der Waals (vdW) Attraction Correlation of electron fluctuations. Only attraction which is present between nonpolar molecules (the reason that Ar, He, CH 4 can form liquid phases) Stronger for larger, more polarizable molecules. e.g. CCl 4 > CH 4 ; Kr > Ar > He a.k.a. “London” or “dispersion” forces Overlap of electron clouds Lennard-Jones Exp-6 (Buckingham) Non-bonded Energy: vdW Repulsion

18 Non-bonded Energy Electrostatic (Coulombic) Interaction Energy Coulomb’s law Variables: Interatomic distance (r ij ) Parameters: atomic charges (q i ) calculated using QM Dielectric constant (  0 ) for the attenuation of electrostatic interaction by the environment (80 for aq solution; 1 for vacuum) Very long-range

19 x x x x Direct method (simplest) Interactions are calculated to a cutoff distance. Interactions beyond this distance are ignored. Leads to discontinuities in energy and derivatives. As a pair distance moves in and out of the cutoff range between calculation steps, the energy jumps. (since the non-bond energy for that pair is included in one step and excluded from the next.) Cutoff for Long-Range Non-bonded Interactions 5000-atom system

20 Minimizing discontinuity. Spline, a possible choice Switching function S(r) = 1 for small r = 1  0 smoothly at intermediate r = 0 for large r Should be continuously differentiable (so that forces can be calculated). Smoothly turns off non-bond interactions over a range of distances. Switching range is important. Upper limit = the cut-off distance. Too large lower limit (small spline width)  Unrealistic forces may result.  Too small lower limit  The feature of the equilibrium region may be lost. Effective potential = actual potential  smoothing function S(r)

21 Number of non-bond interactions for a 5000-atom system as a function of cutoff distance vdW energy of a hexapeptide crystal as a function of cutoff distance, which does not converge until 20 Å Cutoff for Long-Range Non-bonded Interactions

22 Estimating Non-bonded (esp. Electrostatic) Energy for Periodic Systems: Ewald Summation For details, read Leach (pp.324-343) and reading materials (Kofke)

23 (Goddard) (Kollman) (Goddard) Some Commonly Used Force Fields

24 in Materials Studio

25 Atom Types

26 Example of Atom Types (MM2)

27 Force Field Parametrization X-ray, neutron, electron diffraction, NMR (structure), Calorimetry (enegy), IR spectroscopy, elastic properties

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