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Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID) – Common Course Numbering, Articulation, Transfer Degrees, and Beyond Michelle Pilati, Rio Hondo College.

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Presentation on theme: "Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID) – Common Course Numbering, Articulation, Transfer Degrees, and Beyond Michelle Pilati, Rio Hondo College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID) – Common Course Numbering, Articulation, Transfer Degrees, and Beyond Michelle Pilati, Rio Hondo College Duane Short, San Diego Miramar College

2 Overview What is C-ID? C-ID and Articulation C-ID and TMC C-ID and Your Curriculum The Future of C-ID Questions and discussion

3 What is C-ID? Origins – A replacement for CAN – A replacement for LDTP – A response to various mandates and needs from legislature and others – CCCCO supported – Faculty driven & intersegmental

4 What is C-ID? A “common course numbering system” A set of descriptors to help “translate” between courses at different institutions A way to streamline articulation and transfer

5 What is C-ID? A bilateral system of articulation The building blocks for TMCs / SB- 1440 degrees A tool to help in your curriculum development

6 What else is C-ID? established infrastructure for intersegmental vetting...the only existing venue for the convening of intersegmental discipline faculty...a well-positioned initiative to facilitate intersegmental collaboration...funded for foreseeable future.

7 Where can one get C-ID information? – General project information – Discipline list servs (sign up today!) – Descriptors For review and finalized – Established articulation – COR Review – TMC For review and finalized

8 C-ID and Articulation A system of bilateral articulation (CCC to CSU and CCC to CCC) Descriptor-based – Like a general course outline – Specify the “minimum requirements” for a course to receive a C-ID designator

9 What is C-ID? Descriptor example – C-ID MATH 240 Ordinary Differential Equations, and; – Hartnell College’s MAT 5







16 C-ID and Articulation C-ID Approval means – Your course is articulated to every CSU that has articulated the C-ID descriptor – Your course is articulated to every other CCC course approved for the same descriptor – You must accept every other CCC course approved for the same descriptor in lieu of your own course





21 C-ID and TMC C-ID descriptors used to “build” TMCs – C-ID descriptors developed and approved intersegmentally – CCC courses approved for C-ID descriptors have been reviewed by CSU and CCC faculty – CCC courses approved for C-ID descriptors carry bilateral articulation



24 C-ID and TMC C-ID approval and SB-1440 degrees – Currently, CCC courses do not need C-ID approval to be part of an approved SB-1440 degree – BUT in the future they will

25 C-ID and Your Curriculum C-ID descriptors can aid in developing your curriculum – Like a general course outline – Specify the “minimum requirements” for a course to receive a C-ID designator – Developed by an intersegmental group of CCC and CSU faculty – Articulated by many CSU and CCC campuses

26 C-ID and Your Curriculum C-ID descriptor components – Course description – Minimum units – Prerequisites & advisories – Course content – Laboratory activities – Course objectives – Methods of evaluation – Sample textbooks or other support materials

27 C-ID and Your Curriculum Benefits to submitting courses for C-ID – Increased articulation with CSUs – Possibility for increased articulation with UCs and private/out of state universities – Bilateral articulation with CCCs – Future SB-1440 degree approval – Reinvention of wheel not required!

28 C-ID and Your Curriculum Working with discipline faculty – Provide descriptor as an example/tool – Ask if other CCC courses approved for the descriptor will be accepted in lieu of your course – Other ideas??

29 The Future of C-ID 2011-12 – C-ID in ASSIST – Finalize more descriptors – Add disciplines and courses – Continue support of TMCs Top 20 Discipline Status

30 Top 20 Discipline Status (2007-2008) 1.Business Administration 2.Psychology 3.Liberal Studies 4.Criminal Justice 5.Sociology

31 Top 20 Discipline Status 6.Accountancy 7.Kinesiology/PE 8.Art a)Art History b)Studio Art 9.History 10.English

32 Top 20 Discipline Status 11.Biology – Vetting now 12.Child Development/ECE 13.Pre-Nursing – convened, but no descriptors and no TCM (“high unit”) 14.Management 15.Communication

33 Top 20 Discipline Status 16.Marketing 17.Finance 18.Political Science 19."Speech Communications" a)856 students b)?? 20.Social Work a)749 students b)??

34 The Future of C-ID Other topics – C-ID as a means to address the “similar” courses issue? – C-ID as a means of developing descriptors for courses that meet multiple purposes? – C-ID as a tool to facilitate course updates?

35 The Future of C-ID – General project information – Discipline list servs (sign up today!) – Descriptors For review and finalized – Established articulation – COR Review – TMC For review and finalized

36 Q & A Questions? Discussion?

37 Thanks!

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