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NORTH DAKOTA Allan Ashworth Note your submission will have at least two diagrams and two sets of tables Remember to show source of pollen data below pollen.

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Presentation on theme: "NORTH DAKOTA Allan Ashworth Note your submission will have at least two diagrams and two sets of tables Remember to show source of pollen data below pollen."— Presentation transcript:

1 NORTH DAKOTA Allan Ashworth Note your submission will have at least two diagrams and two sets of tables Remember to show source of pollen data below pollen diagram

2 Moon Lake, Barnes County (analyst Eric Grimm)

3 38,000Prairie with grasses, sage brush, and ragweed 210,300 – 8,000Deciduous forest with birch, ash, oak and elm 111,500 – 10,300Spruce forest with grassy openings 38,000warmer and drier 210,300 – 8,000warmer 111,500 – 10,300cooler and wetter Age at base of core11,500 10,300Disappearance 11,500Appearance INTERPRETATION (all ages are in yrs B.P.) Vegetation Changes Climate Changes Basal age of core and appearance/disappearance of Spruce

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